The Advisory academic body It is made up of internationally renowned researchers who endorse and support the journal.

Doctor in Social and Cultural Anthropology. She works as a Professor at the Open University of Catalonia. His main lines of research are: visual, digital and media anthropology, ethnography, design and creativity. His publications include Digital Materialities; Design and Anthropology (2016) with Sarah Pink and Débora Lanzeni; "Visualities and Materialities of the digital: paths to travel the difference" (2015) with Débora Lanzeni; "Digital ethnography and media practices" in Darling Wolf, Research Methods in Media Studies (2014) with Edgar Gómez-Cruz; "Digital culture and creative practices; Ethnographic temptations around Free Culture ”(2013); "Virtual / Visual Ethnography: Methodological Crossroads at the Intersection of Visual and Internet Research" in Pink, Advances in Visual Methodology (2012); "e-Research: challenges and opportunities for the social sciences" (2011) with Adolfo Estalella; "Playful practices; Theorising new media cultural production" in Brauchler and Postill, Theorising Media and Practice (2010); "Field ethics: towards a situated ethic for internet ethnographic research" (2007) with Adolfo Estalella; The search for the Gaze, Anthropology and Ethnographic Cinema (2006); Y Representation and Audiovisual Culture in contemporary societies (2004) with Nora Muntañola.

Doctor in Anthropology at the University of Sao Paulo, with the thesis “A censura da Igreja Católica a Produção Cinematografica”. She is a professor and coordinator in Medical Anthropology at the University of São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina-FMUSP. Central themes of his research: health, religion, indigenous population and human and indigenous rights. His most recent publications: Religiosity and the Problem of Belonging for Amerindian Young People in Brazil. In A Critical Youth Studies for the 21st Century (2015); Brazil Indigenous. In The Indigenous World (2015); Brazil Indigenous. In The Indigenous World (2016).

PhD from The University of Manchester. Professor at the University of Victoria, Canada. Central themes of his research visual, cultural and social anthropology, Cuba, anthropology of sound. His most recent publications: The Fortune of Scarcity: Digital Music in Circulation (2016); "Recording and Editing" in A Different Kind of Ethnography: Practices and Creative Methodologies (2016); "La comète Piu Piu: Nouveaux media et nationalisme en mutation" in Anthropologie et sociétés (2016); "Microtopia in Counterpoint: Relational Aesthetics and the Echo Project" in Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia(2016).

Principal professor of the Department of Social Sciences of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú in the area of Anthropology, and founder of the Master in Visual Anthropology. Doctor in Anthropology at the University of Chicago, Illinois (USA). He has published several books and has numerous articles published in books and in specialized and popular magazines in Peru and abroad. He has edited four videos of the Ethnographic Video Series of the IDE-PUCP. He coordinates the Workshop "Culture, person and power" where he investigates neoliberalism as a cultural regime and the problems of power. He has obtained several research grants, such as the George Foster Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2014-2015). His following publications stand out: Cuisine and Identity. Peruvian Cuisine as Intangible Cultural Heritage (2011); (2011); Looking at the public sphere from culture in Peru (2006); Canepa and Ulfe (eds.) Looking at the public sphere from culture in Peru (2006); Represented identities, performance, experience and memory in the Andes (2002).

Doctor (2014) and Master (2007) in Latin American Studies, Social Anthropologist (2002) and Diploma in Journalism and Cultural Criticism (1998) from the University of Chile. His areas of specialty are visual anthropology, the relationship between indigenous peoples and their representations, as well as coastal studies. He has developed field work and interdisciplinary projects throughout Chile. Among its main lines of research, Fondecyt stands out: photography and film work on indigenous peoples, the construction of identities in Chile, as well as the relationship between coastal communities and whaling. His work as an undergraduate and graduate academic has developed in different Chilean and foreign universities. He also highlights his role as coordinator of the Center for Studies in Visual Anthropology and director of the Chilean Journal of Visual Anthropology. He is currently working as a researcher in the project "Strengthening equal access to an independent and transparent justice in the Andean region: social audit and transparency", of the European Union and the Andean Commission of Jurists in conjunction with the Faculty of Law of the University Chile, deepening the legal-social relationship between indigenous communities and extractive industries.

Doctor in Anthropology from the University of Manchester, he currently works as a Research Professor at the University of Tallinn. Central research topics: visual anthropology, anthropology of the senses, the Caribbean, migration, post-colonial identities, cosmopolitanism. Featured Posts: Cinema & Landscape: Reflection from a film program (2016); Caribbean Ruptures-Making Senses of a Demilitarized Beach (2015); Some doublé tasks of ethnography and anthropology: reflections on audiovisial ethnography (2015); To know the World is to Advocate for it (2015); Placing Objects First: Filming Transnationalism (2013); Picturing Transnationalism (2010).

Doctor in Social Anthropology from the Sorbonne, Paris V (1992). She is a CNPQ professor-researcher at the Department of Anthropology and PPGAS IFCH Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Central themes of his research Visual and Image Anthropology, Urban Anthropology. His following publications stand out: Memory and work: ethnography of the duration of a community of Mineiros de Carvão (2012); Ethnographies of work, narratives of time (2015); A preeminência of imagem e do imaginário nos jogos gives collective memory in ethnographic collections (2015); Anthropology of the city, interpretations of the forms of urban life (2013); Etnografia da Duração: Anthropologies of Collective Memories in Ethnographic Collections (2013); "Anthropology in other languages: Considerations for a hypertextual ethnography". Brazilian Journal of Social Sciences (2016, online). "Street art, urban aesthetics: story of a sensitive experience in a contemporary metropolis". Journal of Social Sciences (2016).

Doctor in Anthropology from the National Museum, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1997). He completed a post-doctorate at the Laboratory of Social Anthropology (Collège de France / CNRS) and was a visiting professor at the École Pratique des Hautes Études; at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales; at the University of Chicago and at the Center for Latin American Studies at Stanford University. He is a professor at the Post-Graduate Program in Social Anthropology, National Museum, UFRJ. (He is currently a 1-B researcher of CNPq. He has been conducting research with the indigenous peoples of the Amazon since 1988, focused on topics such as kinship, war, ritual, shamanism, art and memory. He coordinates training and video-realization projects together with the Video in the Villages and the Kuikuro do Alto Xingu Indigenous Association (AIKAX), directing and producing ethnographic films, currently dedicated to the comprehensive documentation of Kuikuro rituals, especially their musical universe, in collaboration with the Indian Museum and AIKAX.

D. in Anthropology from the University of California at Los Angeles. He previously received a B.A. in Sociology from the Universidad Católica Argentina (1980). He is currently a Senior Researcher at the conicet (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) based at the Instituto de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales of the Universidad Católica Argentina and as a professor in the Master's program in Social and Political Anthropology of the Universidad Católica Argentina. flaccid. Coordinates the network diverse (Religious Diversity in Argentina). He was president of the Association of Social Scientists of Religions in Mercosur and organizer of the first three Conferences on Religious Alternatives in Latin America. He was Paul Hanly Furfey Lecturer of the Association for the Sociology of Religion (USA).

Doctor in Anthropology from the University of Brasilia, some of his outstanding publications are: Global conflicts, local voices. Mobilization and activism in a transnational key (2007); National passions. Politics and culture in Brazil and Argentina (compiler, 2007); Culture and neoliberalism (compiler, 2007); Regional migrations to Argentina. Difference, inequality and rights (2006); Argentina and the Southern Cone. Neoliberalism and national imaginations (Grimson, Alejandro and Gabriel Kessler, 2005); "Cultures are more hybrid than identifications", in Anthropological Yearbook (2008); "The Making of New Urban Borders: Neoliberalism and Protest in Buenos Aires" in Antipode. Journal of Radical Geography (2008); “Diversity and culture. Reification and situationality ”, in Tabula Rasa. Journal of Humanities (2008); "Ethnicity and class in popular neighborhoods of Buenos Aires", in Latin American migration studies (2007); “Cultures are more Hybrid than Identifications. A Dialogue on Borders from the Southern Cone ”, in Journal of Latino Studies (2006); “Some dimensions of transnational mobilization. Its history and its importance in the local context ”, in Global conflicts (2006); “Presentation: the 'culture' question”, in Contemporary ethnographies (2005); "Ethnic In (Visibility) in Neoliberal Argentina", in NACLA Reports on the Americas (2005); "Hegemony, culture and nation", in Rio de Janeiro Magazine (2005).

Doctor in Social Anthropology at the University of Sao Paulo. She works as a professor-researcher in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Sao Paulo. Research topics: Ethnomusicology, visual and ethnographic anthropology, African immigration art. Among his publications stand out: Bixiga em artes e ofícios (2014); Anthropology and Performance: Ensaios Napedra (2013); Lá do leste - uma shared audiovisual ethnography (2013); Imagem-violence. Ethnography of a provocative cinema (2012); Antropologia e Performance: Ensaios Napedra, (2013 with JC Dawsey. M. F, Monteiro, Muller); On peripheries: new conflicts in contemporary Brazil (2013); A Arte ea Rua - Audiovisual Ethnography on the Outskirts of Sao Paulo in Alter / nativas (2014); Rouch Compartiljado: Premonições e Provocações para uma Antropologia Contemporânea en Illuminuras (2013); Fabrik Funk (2015); The Eagle (2015); A arte ea rua (2011).

He works on the anthropology of national societies, experimenting with various genres of writing, from sociological essays to drama, from historical narrative to journalism. Author of more than a dozen books. He has taught at universities in Mexico and the United States, and has been a visiting professor at European and Latin American universities. He has served as director of the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Chicago, the Center for Historical Studies at the New School for Social Research in New York, as well as the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race at Columbia University, where he founded and directs the Center for Mexican Studies. He is a tenured Professor of Anthropology at Columbia University.

Doctor from EHESS, France. She is an associate professor, coordinator of the Images and Narratives research group (CNPq-UERJ) at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro / UERJ. The central themes of his research are: family, generations and aging, and visual anthropology. In his most recent publications, the books stand out: Ethnographies Visuais. Contemporary Analyzes. Rio de Janeiro (2015, directed with Copque B); Peixoto C. et al. (dirs.). Families in Imagens. Rio de Janeiro (2013). Articles: “'As coisas não são como parem'. Viver e morrer em uma instituição asilar ”, in Between Art and Science. A photograph in anthropology (2015); "Images et récits sur l´entrée en institution", Vibrant (2016); "Visual anthropology: how to transmit this knowledge?" in Visual Anthropology: Perspectives of Ensino e Pesquisa (2014). Films: IntraMuros (2015); Peixoto C. et al. Roberto DaMatta and serious carnivals, thugs and heroes (2013).

Doctor in Art History, from Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, under the direction of Philippe Dagen (2007). Researcher at the Center for Mexican and Central American Studies in Mexico City. The central themes of his research are: art history and anthropology of the image: votive offerings and practices in popular devotion; the votive offering, the votive object in popular faith and contemporary art; development of urban religious practices: Santa Muerte; contemporary art in Mexico; interaction between artisan practices and artistic practices: ties and reciprocal influences. His publications include the following in collective books: "Iconography of Santa Muerte: anthropology of an open image", in Ethnographies of Death: Panoramas of a Popular Devotion. (in editorial process); "Contemporary creation and popular culture, the migrant work of Betsabeé Romero", in Jumping borders, local Mexican creations and globalization (2012). Articles: “Mexico, from San Judas to Santa Muerte. Logiques votives et rituels transversaux en milieu urbain ”, in L'homme (2014); “Au Mexique, la mort suinte dans l'art. Teresa Margolles: quand l'oeuvre saigne ”, Revue Amerika (2013 online).

PhD in Social Anthropology from Kent University, UK. Distinguished Professor at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. Central themes of his research: digital technologies, everyday life, visual and sensory ethnography, design, health, safety and well-being, futures. Main or most recent publications: Home Truths: gender, domestic objects and everyday life (2004); The Future of Visual Anthropology: engaging the senses (2006); Situating Everyday Life: Practices and Places (2012); Doing Visual Ethnography. Revised and expanded (3rd ed. 2013); Doing Sensory Ethnography, (2nd ed., 2015); Pink, S. and Y. Akama and contibutors A / Certainty. iBook, download from (2015); Pink et al. Digital Ethnography: principles and practice (2016); Pink et al. Screen Ecologies: Art, Media and the Environment in the Asia-Pacific region (2016). Pink et al. Making Homes: ethnographies and designs (in press).

PhD in Comparative Literature from Stanford University. He currently works at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese New York University. Featured Posts: Toward a Speech Act Theory of Literary Discourse (1977); Reviews: Journal of Literary Semantics (1979); Journal of Pragmatics, Language (1979); Sewanee Review (1979); Journal of Esthetics and Art Criticism Winter (1977-1978); Modern Language Notes 92 (1977); Papers on Language and Literature Summer (1978); Religious Studies Review (1978); Choice Dec. (1977); PTL 3 (1978); Philosophy and Rhetoric (1978); Sub-Stance (1978); Style (1978); Spektator (1979-1980); Literair Paspoort (1980); Journal of Linguisitics (1980); International Studies in Philosophy (1980); Lingua e Stile (1980); Literature and Performance (1980). 1980 Linguistics for Students of Literature (1990, with Elizabeth Closs Traugott); Women, Culture and Politics in Latin America. Co-authored by the Seminar on Feminism and Cultur e in Latin America (8 members). (paperback 1991); Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation. (1992, reprinted in 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000); Imperial eyes (1997); You olhos do Império (1999); Reviews: Times Literary Supplement (1992); Victorian Studies (1993); Annals of the Association of American Geographers (1993); Canadian Literature (winter 1992 and spring 1993); Choice (1992); Feminist Review (1993); Journal of Modern History (1996); Journal of Historical Geography (1994); American Ethnologist (1994); Eighteenth Century Studies (spring 1993); Novel (1995); Research in African Literatures (1993); Folha de São Paulo (1999); Journal of Historical Studies (2000, Brazil); Signs (1999, Mexico).

Doctorate in Social Sciences from CIESAS-University of Guadalajara, currently working as a professor-researcher in the Department of Sociocultural Studies of the ITESO Institute. Research topics: Social anthropology, communication and urban and youth cultures. Featured Posts: The symbolic construction of the city. Society, disaster, communication. (1996); Citizen N. Chronicles of diversity (1999); Disenchantment strategies. The emergence of youth cultures in Latin America (2002); Fragmented horizons. Communication, culture, post-politics. The global (dis) order and its figures (2005); The maras, youthful identities to the limit (2013); Youth cultures, political forms of disenchantment (2012).

Doctor in Social Anthropology from Harvard University. Research topics: sociocultural anthropology, theory, history, cultural poetics, poetry, ethnography as text, Sociocultural anthropology, theory, history, cultural poetics, poetry, ethnography as text; Southeast Asia island, Latinos US, Mexico. Featured Posts: Editor, Cultural Citizenship in Island Southeast Asia: Nation and Belonging in the Hinterlands (2003); Editor, of Anthropology of Globalization: A Reader, (2001 with Jon Inda); Editor, Creativity / Anthropology (1993, with Smadar Lavie and Kirin Narayan); Culture and Truth: The Remaking of Social Analysis (1989); Editor, The Incas and the Aztecs, 1400-1800 (1982, with George Collier and John Wirth); Ilongot Headhunting. 1883-1974: A Study in Society and History (1980).

PhD in Social Anthropology from UFRGS-Brazil. He is Professor-Researcher at CONICET / UNSAM. His central themes of his research are: religion, mass literature, music. Main or most recent publications: Troubling Gender (2012); Youth identities in Argentina: beyond Tango (2012); Cumbia: Ethnicity, nation and gender in Latin America (Compilation with Pablo Villa 2011); "Music, youth, hegemony and exits from adolescence" in Sociological Studies (2016); “Transversal and religious pluralism and catholiccentrism” in Debates Do Ner (2014).

D. in Sociology from the Catholic University of Louvain. D. in Sociology from the Catholic University of Louvain. unam. Member of the National System of Researchers level 3. Full member of the Bolivian Academy of Language. Visiting Professor for the Alfonso Reyes Chair at the Institute for Advanced Latin American Studies (Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 University, 2018). Visiting Professor at the Jacques Leclercq Chair (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, 2018). Visiting researcher at the Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 University (2019-2020). Editor of the journal Culture and Social Representationss. Latest books: Guadalupanos in Paris (2023), Paris daily (2022), La Paz Newspaper (2022), Bourdieu in Bolivia (2022), La Paz in the whirlwind of progress (2018). He has published several scientific articles in different national and international journals, as well as chapters in academic books. He has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in several universities in Latin America and Europe. Lines of research: sociology of religion and culture, religious practices in Mexico, visual sociology, qualitative methodology, culture and politics in Bolivia.

Doctor in History from the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). At present she works as a professor-researcher in the Directorate of Historical Studies (DEH) of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). Research topics: History of Mexican cinema in the classical period and history of women in Mexico. Featured Posts: Women. Between image and action. In the series Historia illustrated de México (2015); Education and Spanish exile in Mexico (2014); Body and spirit. Celluliode doctors. (2005); Women in Mexico. Remembering a story. (2004); The faces of a myth. Female characters in the films of Emlio Indio Fernández. (2000); Women of light and shadow in Mexican cinema. The construction of an image. (1998); Story of a dream: the Hollywood of Guadalajara. (1987).