Code of Ethics

Scientific bad practices are considered:

Lack of ethics in the publication process:

- Fictitious authorship: appear as authors or co-authors of investigations not carried out.

- Duplicate publication: publish all or part of an article already published.

- Fragmented publication: divide a work to publish as independent articles.

- Inflated publication: add data to a previously published work to publish as a new article.

- Self-plagiarism: repeating the same content previously written by the author with the intention of publishing as a new article.

Scientific fraud:

- Invention: articial preparation of all or part of the data.

- Falsification and manipulation of data: falsify data or methods to fulfill the hypothesis.

- Plagiarism: taking ideas or phrases without citing the original source.

-Bibliographic citation correction: omitting relevant citations. Including citations not consulted. Excessive self-citations.

- Publication biases: forcing data to obtain positive results and high statistical significance.

- Advertising: expose premature results (without verification).

Manuscripts that incur these practices will not be evaluated. The editor will write to the author, explaining that the article is rejected, the journal's position in these cases and the expected behavior in the future. It will also inform the evaluator.

If it is detected that sentences of less length were copied and there is no indication that the data of others has been offered as their own work, the publisher will write to the author and request that he modify those parts or that he indicate the citations clearly. It will also inform the evaluator. If the author refuses to correct the manuscript, the article will be rejected, the journal's position in these cases and the expected behavior in the future will be explained.

To resolve other cases not considered in this code of conduct, the editors and the editorial board will take as a reference the steps indicated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (