Julia Tuñón Pablos Doctor in History from the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). At present she works as a professor-researcher in the Directorate of Historical Studies (DEH) of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). Research topics: History of Mexican cinema in the classical period and history of women in Mexico. Featured Posts: Women. Between image and action. In the series Historia illustrated de México (2015); Education and Spanish exile in Mexico (2014); Body and spirit. Celluliode doctors. (2005); Women in Mexico. Remembering a story. (2004); The faces of a myth. Female characters in the films of Emlio Indio Fernández. (2000); Women of light and shadow in Mexican cinema. The construction of an image. (1998); Story of a dream: the Hollywood of Guadalajara. (1987).

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