Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji Doctor in Social Anthropology at the University of Sao Paulo. She works as a professor-researcher in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Sao Paulo. Research topics: Ethnomusicology, visual and ethnographic anthropology, African immigration art. Among his publications stand out: Bixiga em artes e ofícios (2014); Anthropology and Performance: Ensaios Napedra (2013); Lá do leste - uma shared audiovisual ethnography (2013); Imagem-violence. Ethnography of a provocative cinema (2012); Antropologia e Performance: Ensaios Napedra, (2013 with JC Dawsey. M. F, Monteiro, Muller); On peripheries: new conflicts in contemporary Brazil (2013); A Arte ea Rua - Audiovisual Ethnography on the Outskirts of Sao Paulo in Alter / nativas (2014); Rouch Compartiljado: Premonições e Provocações para uma Antropologia Contemporânea en Illuminuras (2013); Fabrik Funk (2015); The Eagle (2015); A arte ea rua (2011).

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