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Central American Studies Yearbook

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The Central American Studies Yearbook (AECA), founded in 1974, is an academic journal published in the Institute of Social Research of the Costa Rica university. Its periodicity is annual; however, a release preview is made on June 1 and the entire volume is released on December 1. It is currently one of the few publications on Central America from a regional perspective. Thus, the AECA deals with the analysis of the historical and present reality of the Central American region and the societies that constitute it. The Yearbook is an international publication. In its pages there is room for those articles, essays and reviews that they are carried out from a broad perspective of the social sciences, both in the region and outside it. The objective is to contribute to understanding the enormous inequities that characterize daily life in the region, as well as the proposals and projects that seek to help overcome these inequities. Currently, it is found in rigorous indices such as SciELO, Redalyc, Dialnet, DOAJ, Latindex, REDIB, among others. In addition, according to UCRÍndex, the AECA occupies the twelfth position of the ranking of official magazines of the University of Costa Rica.