Internal regulations for inserts

Article I. General description

Unique. Encartes is a biannual plural and interdisciplinary publication financed by the academic institutions that have signed a co-publishing agreement: CIESAS, El COLEF, ITESO and El COLSAN. In Inserts The event provides information on the progress and results of research on topics and problems of interest to social scientists.

Article II. Structure of the journal

The journal contains seven main sections:

1.- Interdisciplinary Colloquiums

It is a section of academic essays that discuss a specific topic called by the journal. A specialist will be invited to publish an article, theoretical or methodological essay, and a number of specialists from different disciplines or perspectives on the topic (between four and six) will be invited to comment, discuss, debate or expand on the essay of the main author. The Interdisciplinary Colloquium section proposes a new form of evaluation and adjudication established by public (non-blinded) academic discussion and debate for the central essay. Comments will be double-blind refereed. The Colloquia will be published alternately with the Anthropological Themes.

2.- Themes

It is a thematic section coordinated by an academic responsible and will be published in alternation with the interdisciplinary Colloquia. It will consist of a maximum of five articles, written by specialists on the particular subject of the issue. All works will be refereed in double blind. 

Socio-cultural realities

It is a section that includes original articles without being associated with a central theme. Its content is miscellaneous and independent from the thematic proposals and the colloquia. All works will be refereed in double blind.

4.- Interviews

This section consists of interviews with researchers and social actors who, in the opinion of the editorial committee, are of interest to the academic community. Interviews can be audio visual products or transcripts. The publication of this section will be occasional.

5.- Discrepancies

This section of the journal will include critical texts that address anthropological problems and dilemmas in the face of current situations and realities that are central to the reflections, debates and positions taken by anthropologists. This section will be published from time to time.

6.- Critical Reviews

This section includes short and critical essays of interest to the social sciences and includes reviews of complete works by an author or a current relevant to the journal, as well as reviews of books, articles, ethnographic videos, anthropological cinema, art exhibitions, theses. degree and performance.

7.- Multimedia inserts

This section will be open for the publication of different products of ongoing research. It will be published occasionally subject to the availability of material received that is considered relevant. Visual ethnographies/multimedia reports with strong fieldwork support and use of social science frameworks, photo essays, documentary/ethnographic videos, poetry, life histories and oral archives will be accepted. All papers will be double-blind refereed.

Article III. Organization and decision-making bodies

Unique. In order to ensure the functioning of the journal, the fulfillment of its purposes and guarantee its periodicity, an Editorial Committee (CE) will be formed, a director of the journal will be appointed and an Academic Advisory Body (CAA) will be formed.

Article IV. Purposes of the Editorial Committee

Unique. The Editorial Committee (CE) is an academic body that has the responsibility of:

a) ensure the scientific quality of published articles

b) guarantee the journal's adherence to the requirements that it must meet as an academic body of dissemination

c) establish the editorial policy and ensure its periodicity.

 Article V. Functions of the Editorial Committee

Unique. The functions of the CE are:

a) define the content of each issue of the journal

b) receive article proposals for publication

c) review and approve the thematic proposals for the Knowledge and Reasons section

d) perform a relevance reading of all articles

e) appoint the reviewers of the articles submitted for consideration

f) based on the opinions, determine if the articles are fit to be published

g) receive the second version of the ruled articles in which the suggested changes are addressed and verify their update

h) In case of controversy between the author and the opinion-makers, evaluate the suggestions or conditions indicated in the opinions, taking into account the author's point of view.

i) evaluate texts that are not subject to external opinion

j) suggest policies for the publication, dissemination and commercialization of the journal

k) keep the CAA informed of the progress of the journal, and incorporate the views of its members into its discussions

l) supervise the relays in the CAA.

m) Resolve situations that have not been provided for in the regulations

Article VI. Academic Advisory Body

1. The journal will have an Academic Advisory Body (CAA) made up of specialists who have belonged to the CE and invited foreign specialists.

2. The specialists who finish their period in the CE will become part of the CAA.

3. The CE will propose to the General Directorate of CIESAS names of specialists from foreign academic institutions to be invited to the CAA. The participation of researchers from different specialties will be sought and that there is a balance regarding the regions of origin, especially from Europe, North America and Latin America. If so, specialists from another continent may be included.

4. The CAA will not exceed the number of 28. As those who finish their period in the CE are integrated, those who have more seniority in this body will leave their place, always taking care that there is a number of eight foreign specialists whose duration in this body is so. will determine the CE.

5. The function of the CAA is to oversee the management of the journal, to form part of the portfolio of arbitrators and to suggest the expansion of said portfolio.

6. The CE will send the CAA the information of its meetings and decisions, receive their points of view and incorporate them into its discussions.

Article VII. Attributions of the director of the journal.

1. The director of the journal has the responsibility that the journal is published in accordance with the established criteria and purposes, that it is done properly and with the determined periodicity; For this, it will respect the CE agreements and will have the assistance of the CIESAS Sub-Directorate for Dissemination and Publications and its General Directorate.

 2. The director of the journal will be appointed by the head of the General Directorate based on the following requirements:

a) be a CIESAS researcher

b) enjoy recognized prestige for their contributions to the field of knowledge of their specialty, for their extensive links with the scientific community, as well as their prudence and discretion

 3. For the fulfillment of its mission, the director of the journal has the attributions of:

 a) coordinate and monitor the editorial process of each issue of the journal

b) organize the work agenda for the CE sessions

c) account for the originals that are submitted for the consideration of the CE

d) suggest and promote the best mechanisms for the dissemination of the journal.

4. For the best performance of their functions, they will be assisted by two people who will support the related tasks of the journal in general: whoever is responsible for the editorial functions (editor or publisher), and whoever is in charge of the ordinary management of the journal ( assistant).

 Article VIII. Editorial guidelines

1. Only original articles and reviews that have not been published and that are not subject to a simultaneous opinion in other media will be considered for possible publication. Originals written in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese are accepted, but will only be published in Spanish. 

2. The presentation rules that articles and reviews must meet in order to be received are set out in the "Instructions for authors" published in Encartes and on the journal's website. The foregoing refers to the requirements for the length of the articles, formal presentation, required information and way of citing.

3. The publication of articles does not have any cost, nor is there any economic retribution for the author.

4. The procedure for presenting thematic proposals to the EC consists of submitting in writing a brief and well-founded presentation of the topic to be worked on and its relevance within the anthropological debate, as well as a tentative table of contents.

5. The journal will acknowledge receipt of the originals upon reception. The acceptance of each contribution will depend on a pertinence reading and confidential opinions made by specialists under the procedure known as double blind. According to this evaluation, the EC will decide on the publication and will inform the authors within a period of less than one year.

6. Upon approval of the article, the author must sign a letter of assignment of rights over his/her work in which he/she authorizes CIESAS to disseminate it in print and electronically. If an article is not accepted, the author will be informed of the reasons for this decision.

7. For the selection of the cover design for each issue of the journal, the coordinator of the thematic proposal of the Saberes y razones section, the EC and those responsible for the Subdirección de Difusión y Publicaciones will be consulted. The proposal that obtains the greatest consensus will be approved. The basic design with which the journal is identified may not be changed.

8. The graphic discourse of each issue of the journal will be conformed in accordance with the section Saberes y razones and will be the responsibility of the editorial team. Proposals from issue coordinators will be accepted if their material is delivered on time and meets the technical requirements of quality and legal permissions to be published.

Article IX. Procedures to judge originals.

1.- The EC shall designate the reviewers of the originals submitted for its consideration.

2.- For the fulfillment of its functions, the EC shall have a portfolio of arbitrators specialized in the disciplines referred to in the originals.

3.- The reviewers must not belong to the same institution or area of work of the author of the original to be evaluated, nor be his/her thesis director.

4.- Two positive opinions shall be required to approve the publication of any original.

5.- In the event of conflicting opinions, the EC will request a third opinion to resolve the dispute.

6.- If, in the opinion of the EC, an opinion is not satisfactory, a new one will be requested.

7.- The opinions requested should consider the following points:

a) Scientific rigor

b) Contribution to the discipline or line of research in question

c) Quality, both in structure and in presentation.

8.- The opinions must clearly define the approval, conditioning or disapproval of the originals and must be delivered within a maximum period of three weeks from receipt of the material.

9.- Once the public versions of the opinions have been delivered to the author, he/she must submit the second version of his/her text, incorporating the corrections, suggestions or observations of the opinions..

10.- In the event that important conditions are established to the evaluated text, the EC will request a comparison of the level of incorporation made by the author in the second version of the original. In order to facilitate this task, the author must submit to the EC a reasoned document indicating which points of the opinion were included and which were omitted.

11.- Decisions of the EC shall be taken, preferably, by consensus and, if necessary, by simple majority. In the event of a tie, the editor of the journal shall have the casting vote.