The Editorial Coordination Team is in charge of guaranteeing the high academic level of the content of the magazine.


She holds a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from the ciesas and the University of Guadalajara. Member of the sni level iiiand the National Academy of Science. She is a professor-researcher at the ciesas Occidente, in Guadalajara, Mexico. She is co-founder of the Network of Researchers of the Religious Phenomenon in Mexico (rifrem). During his research career he has dedicated himself to the study of religious diversity in Mexico; to the study of new religious movements; to the emergence of alternative spiritualities such as the new age and neo-Mexicanity and, more recently, has researched on the dynamics of transnationalization of Aztec ritual dances and popular religiosity. He has presented more than a dozen exhibitions of ethnographic photography. Among his most recent publications is the book Latin American variations of the new age. Mexico: ciesas, 2013 (translated into English New Age in Latin America. Popular Variations and Ethnicity Appropriations., Brill, 2016). She is author of "Ultra-baroque Catholicism: Multiplied Images and Decentered Religious Symbols", S.ocial Compass (2016); and co-author of the following articles, "Routes et sens postcoloniaux de la transnationalisation religieuse", Tiers Monde (2016); "Religious Studies in Latin America, Annual Review of Sociology (2016); "The temazcal: a pre-Hispanic ritual transculturalized by alternative spiritual networks", Social Sciences and Religion (2016) and "Religion and Rescaling: How Santo Toribio Put Santa Ana on the Global Religious Map." Current Sociology (2016). Orcid:

Section editors

He has a degree in Contemporary History from the Autonomous University of Madrid and a doctorate in Social Anthropology from the ciesas. He was a researcher for flaccid-Guatemala from 1988 to 2008. He is a research professor at ciesas Southeast, while in Guatemala he is part of the Communication and Analysis Team El Colibrí Zurdo. His research is now focused on the effects that the dynamics of globalization are having on indigenous communities in Guatemala and Mexico. His latest publications include the compilation The recreated ethnicity. Difference, inequality and mobility in global Latin America (2019) and the monograph Mezcala, coca community. Community rearticulation and ethnic recreation in the face of dispossession. (2021), both published by CIESAS. Orcid:

She has a doctorate in social anthropology from the Center for Research and Social Studies in Social Anthropology of Guadalajara, Mexico. She is currently a research professor at the Centro de Estudios Sociourbanos of the University of Guadalajara. He has collaborated for years with FM4 Paso Libre, an organization that runs a Shelter and a Center for Attention to Migrants in Transit and Refugees in Guadalajara. He has published with Santiago Bastos the books, Between the mecapal and the sky. Development of the Mayan movement in Guatemala (2003); with Julián López and Santiago Bastos, Dinosaur reloaded. Current violence in Guatemala " (2015). Solo has, Being indigenous in the capital city (2002), The Primero de Julio colony and the 'emerging middle class' (2005), “The little surprise from the North. Community and international migration in Huehuetenango " (2008) and "Living in the preserve: closed subdivisions, women and coloniality" (2015). His latest articles are "Borders, community and violence", Contempt, 2012; "Preserve women in Guadalajara, Jalisco", Amerika. Mémoires, identités, territoires, 2013; "The political action of the widows of pilots in Guatemala City", in the European Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 2014; "Women and coloniality in the luxury condominiums of Guatemala City", Central American Studies Yearbook, 2015; “Conditions of the forced displacement of women in Mesoamerica” with Bernadette Eguía in Window, 2018. And, collectively, the FM4 Paso Libre reports "Travesías migratorias. Testimonies of life around migration and solidarity" and "No place in the world. Forced displacement of women through Guadalajara", both in 2017. Orcid:

She has a degree in Psychology (uabc), former fellow of the Peace Scholarship Program (Monash University), Master in Environmental Health (University of Guadalajara). Former Cathedral of the Faculty of Administrative and Social Sciences (uabc). PhD student in Social Sciences (ciesas West). Lines of interest: dissident sexualities, lesbianism, feminism, urban mobility, social determinants of health. Orcid:

He is a professor-researcher in the Anthropological Studies Program of El Colegio de San Luis. Member of the National System of Researchers (sni) since 2008. His research has revolved around mythology, religions and rituals. She has specialized in visual anthropology, particularly in the relationship between photography, plastic and cultural expressions. He has worked with groups from western and northern Mexico, such as the Wixaritari and the Na'ayari. He has published five books as author and six books as co-author, in addition to publications in national and international magazines. He has exhibited his photographic work in museums and galleries; he has 20 exhibitions of photographs related to Asia, "El instante de la mirada: 5 países de Asia".

D. in Cultural Anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley. She is a professor and researcher in the Department of Cultural Studies at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte in Baja California. Research interests: International migration, border and identity. Recent publications: "Deportation and family separation at the San Diego-Tijuana border" (Culturales, 2017), "Minors or migrants? Risk and vulnerability in the migration of undocumented unaccompanied minors to the United States" (El Colef, 2016). Orcid:

is a Conacyt postdoctoral fellow at El Colegio de San Luis. She holds a master's degree and PhD in Social Anthropology with Visual Media from the University of Manchester, UK. Her research topics include the perception and imaginary of spaces, Chinese migration in San Luis Potosi and ritual and therapeutic uses of peyote from a biocultural territory defense approach. She is co-director of the documentary ...And I'm not leaving the neighborhood! (2019). Orcid:

She holds a B.A. in Literature from the Universidad de las Américas-Puebla where she graduated with honors. D. in Hispanic Studies from Boston University. Her doctoral thesis project focused on the relationship between writing, autobiography and war in the sociocultural construction of the intellectual in modern Mexico. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship in art and border and neoliberalism, "Poetics of surplus" in the Department of Cultural Studies at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores de Conacyt, level 1. She participates in the Red de Estudios de Biopolítica y Necropolítica en América Latina. Since 2015 she collaborates with the Institute for Performance and Politics at New York University. She currently collaborates in the project "Hemispheric Encounters: Developing Transborder Research-Creation Practice" in the research group "Mobilities as Method". Her research topics are: communication, aesthetics and politics; memory and subjectivity in contexts of violence, border and disappearance. ORCID: