Put into practice, open science implies an alternative way of generating and disseminating knowledge that marks a break with the model promoted by publishing companies and indexing systems. From our humble trench, at Encartes we defend and promote any and all initiative that aims to open up science and critical thinking in society and the scientific community.
Vol 2 No 3 (2019)
Encartes and Open Science
Resist dehumanization. Civil society in the face of disappearances, coercion of freedom of expression and forced displacement in Mexico
Realidades socioculturales
Encartes multimedia

Debate for the decriminalization of abortion in Congress. Buenos Aires, April 10, 2018. Image of Emerging Photographs, license CC BY-NC. / Cropped from original.
Sexual and reproductive rights of women in Latin America under debate
- Alma Luz Beltrán and Puga
- Angelica Peñas Defago
- Marta Rodriguez from Assis Machado
- moderator Rachel sieder
The arrival of sexual and reproductive rights on the public agenda marked a new moment in the dynamics between law and society in Latin America. But despite important regional and international advances in guaranteeing sexual and reproductive rights in recent years, these often provoke tensions between those who favor their recognition and those who oppose them. In the discrepancy of this issue of Inserts, we hope to clarify some of the main points of the debate around this topic so fundamental for the life and health of women, and for social equality in Latin America.
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Arthur Temporal Ventura
Coordination of CIESAS publications
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Coordination of CIESAS publications