Put into practice, open science implies an alternative way of generating and disseminating knowledge that marks a break with the model promoted by publishing companies and indexing systems. From our humble trench, at Encartes we defend and promote any and all initiative that aims to open up science and critical thinking in society and the scientific community.
from 02/01/2020 to 02/01/2020

Vol 2 No 3 (2019)
Encartes and Open Science
from 04/25/2018 to 04/25/2018

Vol 1 Issue 1 (2018)
Presentation of Anthropological Inserts
We live today in an era that had not been imagined by science fiction: the communicative experience in a virtual space. Digital technology has revolutionized our ways of transmitting culture, of knowing and above all of communicating and interacting on a daily basis. Science, and with it anthropology, cannot remain on the sidelines of this change which, although it proposes new challenges, also offers to enhance our communication possibilities and scope.
from 03/21/2018 to 03/21/2018