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Articles about "wixárika"
Vol 7 No 13 (2024)

The sonic border of the wixaritari ceremonial experts. Liminality for the control and protection of the rains.
- Xilonen María del Carmen Luna Ruiz
The sonic border is a sensitive state. It is the perception of a corporeal presence of sonorities that circulate in space-time: actions, emotions and behaviors. Wixaritari ceremonial experts of Tierra Azul identify with the word 'enierika: visio-audiciones or audito-visiones (nierika) in liminal divine auditory interstice, in demand of the analogies of ancestral history and ritual practice. The rebirth of life is to take hold of the control and permanence of the rains, to consummate the cycles of darkness-light. Through cosmopolitics, the divine sonic iconicity intervenes in agrarian territorial limits, the defense of the cosmogonic territory and in controlling ancestral disagreements.