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Articles about "prison"
Vol 1 Issue 2 (2018)

The reconstruction of the image of women in the Puente Grande prison, Jalisco
- Martha Ileana Landeros Casillas
Whe role that women play in today's society is the result of an ancestral assignment; however, this role is increasingly questioned by women themselves and it seems that the more they question, the more violence is generated against them, placing them in a staggering situation between being a victim or a victimizer. This is a project that delves into the construction of female identity through photographs of women who have been violated in various ways; It is an experimental proposal made with the inmates of the Puente Grande Center for Women's Reintegration, Jalisco (Mexico), with the aim that the participants were able to reconstruct their identity and link it with the violent environment where they grew up. We take into account subaltern and gender studies, as well as research based on art and the Between Voices methodology, so that this accompaniment would be from horizontality.
Realidades socioculturales
Vol 1 Issue 1 (2018)

The altars of the body as resistance to prison power
- Jorge Adrián Yllescas Illescas
This text is part of an investigation carried out at the Santa Marta Social Reintegration Center in Mexico City, the main objective of which was to learn about the practice of the cult of “Santa Muerte” in that prison institution. Various themes emerged from this proposal, and one of them was the use of the body and its relationship with religious practices in a context where control is omnipresent. It will first examine what this prison control consists of and then the importance of the body as a form of resistance to said prison power will be considered.