Cristina Gutierrez Zuniga holds a PhD in Social Sciences and is a member of the National System of Researchers. She is a professor-researcher at the University of Guadalajara. Her research topics revolve around contemporary religiosity with special attention to the transnationalization of religious practices and the processes of diversification and religious pluralism in Mexico. She is currently working on a project on religious diversity in public schools, and collaborates in communication projects to promote religious pluralism. She recently published in the project Reconfiguring religious identities. Analysis of the National Survey on Religious Beliefs and Practices, Encreer, 2016.4 volumes, which he coordinated with Renée de la Torre and Alberto Hernández, and published by ciesas/colef (2021). She approached Peggy Levitt's work in the process of researching the transnationalization of the Aztec conchero dance, the result of which was published in the book, together with Renée de la Torre, Same steps and new paths. Transnationalization of the Aztec Conchero dance.. Zapopan: El Colegio de Jalisco/.ciesas, 2017. She is founder of the Network of Researchers of the Religious Phenomenon in Mexico (rifrem) and a member of its advisory body.