Guénola Capron holds a degree in geography and a PhD in geography and land use planning from the University of Toulouse le Mirail. University of Toulouse le Mirail. She was a researcher at the CNRS in Toulouse and joined the UAM Azcapotzalco unit in 2010. Azcapotzalco in 2010. She was a researcher at the Centro de Estudios Mexicanos y Centroamericanos (CEMCA) and is an associate at the same institution and at the Centro de Estudios Mexicanos y Centroamericanos (CEMCA). is an associate at the same institution and at LISST-Cieu (Centre Interdisciplinaire d'Etudes Urbaines). In 2020, she was she was a visiting professor in the geography department of the University Toulouse Jean-Jaures. Her work is on the transformations of public space under perspectives such as commerce, urban mobility and security. and security. More recently she has been interested in food issues. Since 2016, she is in charge of a Conacyt Basic Science project on the material and social production of sidewalks in the Metropolitan Area of the Metropolitan Zone of the Valley of Mexico.