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Articles about "musical instruments"
Vol 7 No 13 (2024)

The earth rumbles. Ténabarim, koyolim and senaaso. Amerindian mythology of Pajko'ola musical instruments.
- Fidel Camacho
During his dance, the Pajko'ola performs various percussion instruments by shaking: ténabarim, koyolim and senaaso. The analysis of each one cannot be separated from the mythology that underlies the character, which is associated with the Earth and telluric movements. The existence of a complex related to predominantly feminine entities and "wild beasts" -ancient women or ogres- of the type "Old men of the dance" and nocturnal lepidoptera is proposed here. The review of this approach is not exhaustive, but it allows us to locate aspects of the mythology of Yuto-Nahuas groups and other linguistic affiliations, present and past, from Mexico and other places. From the mythology of "noise" it is possible to locate the Pajko'ola and its musical instruments as belonging to the domain of darkness.