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Articles about "indigeneity"
Coloquios interdisciplinarios
Vol 6 No 12 (2023)
Comment on the colloquium "Beyond decoloniality: discussion of some key concepts" by - David Lehmann
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The other voices of decolonialism. Commentary to "Beyond decoloniality: discussion of some key concepts" by David Lehmann.
- Eduardo Zarate
This brief commentary seeks to engage in a dialogue with David Lehmann's proposal to go beyond decolonialism. It is emphasized that decolonialism is more than an academic fad in Latin America. Decolonialist thought presents political and ethical dimensions critical of Western universalism, necessary to understand the claims for recognition of subaltern groups.
Realidades socioculturales
Vol 5 No 10 (2022)

Amaranth as an Indigenous Food: Production of Heritage and Food Activism
- Charlynne Curiel
This text analyzes how turning of foods into heritage is a social process that produces indigeneity via food activism. It presents the case of the Enlace Group for the Promotion of Amaranth in Mexico (Grupo Enlace para la Promoción del Amaranto en México) a player in the argument over food sovereignty, which propels the production, transformation and consumption of this grain. It illustrates its food events, organizational practices and the narratives that provided amaranth with a series of values related to its place in the Mesoamerican diet, which, updated as indigenous and ancestral food, helped it become known as an intangible heritage of Mexico City (CDMX). We display the relevance of this type of activism for the production of indigeneity in the scope of food heritage.