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Articles about "culture"
Realidades socioculturales
Vol 3 Num 6 (2020)
Citizen cultures and cultural citizenship. An exploration of the terms
- Jorge E. Aceves Lozano
Keywords: citizenship, culture, rights, globalization, politics.
This text reviews the relationship between citizenship and culture. Exploring social science literature on these terms to analyze particular social subjects, both in their action and their conceptualization, has led us to consider that citizenships are diverse, heterogenous and with unequal positions in regard to other citizens and in their relationship with the sphere of the State. Each group of citizens lives and models its social action based on its own identity configurations, codes and cultural dispositions, all of which are affected by power, gender, class and ethnicity relations. Citizenships express -through their actions, emotions, and thoughts - the social, political, economic and cultural diversity of our contemporary conflictive societies. Two considerations develop in this text: first, the discussion is addressed from citizen practices; a second look highlights the cultural dimension that these practices express about specific citizen rights.
Vol 3 No. 5 (2020)

Towards a transient paradigm: approaching culture from daily journeys
- Christian O. Grimaldo-Rodríguez
This dossier aims to discuss the sociocultural role of transit in the configuration of social subjects, political actors, symbolic places, collective actions and, in general, the social order to which we ascribe ourselves through the daily practice of moving between different points of the geographical space.
Vol 3 No. 5 (2020)

Road bodies, culture and citizenship: anthropological reflections
- Paul wright
WThis work analyzes, from the perspective of road anthropology, the way in which our individual bodies, historically and culturally, are shaped as road bodies. The conceptual framework draws mainly from various currents of Goffman and Bourdieu's sociology, performance anthropology, proxemics, phenomenology, and the political economy of culture. I analyze the various origins of road anthropology from my own biography as an anthropologist, and how the ethnographic experience gave rise to a new conceptualization of road cultures and their links to actual bodily practices on streets and sidewalks. I include comparative ethnographic cases from England, the United States, Uruguay, and Argentina, experienced and observed, that illustrate how culture, society, and the state can shape our road bodies.