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Articles about "body"
Realidades socioculturales
Vol 4 No. 7 (2021)
Feminist performance "a rapist on your way." The body as a territory of resistance and subversive resignification
- Kenia Ortiz Cadena
The performance "A rapist on your way" appeared in Chile at the end of 2019, and then it was reproduced in nearly three hundred cities on all continents. In this article, performance is contextualized considering feminism and feminist art, significant movements due to their capacity for action. His narrative is then examined in the light of the thinking of Segato and other authors, who have shown how sexual violence is associated with a patriarchal power structure. Finally, this manifestation is analyzed considering its performative character, whose expression makes the body a territory of resistance and resignification, taking up the ideas of Turner and Butler on performance as a “social drama” liminoid and antistructure.
Realidades socioculturales
Vol 1 Issue 1 (2018)
The altars of the body as resistance to prison power
- Jorge Adrián Yllescas Illescas
This text is part of an investigation carried out at the Santa Marta Social Reintegration Center in Mexico City, the main objective of which was to learn about the practice of the cult of “Santa Muerte” in that prison institution. Various themes emerged from this proposal, and one of them was the use of the body and its relationship with religious practices in a context where control is omnipresent. It will first examine what this prison control consists of and then the importance of the body as a form of resistance to said prison power will be considered.