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Articles about "agrarianism"
Vol 7 No 14 (2024)

Ejido El Porvenir in Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California. Experiences and memories of an agricultural community
- Rogelio E. Ruiz Rios
This article addresses the creation and consolidation of the ejido El Porvenir, an agricultural community located in the Guadalupe Valley, Baja California, as one of the agrarian distribution projects undertaken by the Mexican State. To this end, we describe and analyze the substantive facts in the temporary development of the ejido and its community expectations in a border context subject to the corporatist practices of the Mexican State and the pressures of the regional market, private initiative, competition with neighboring communities and climatic phenomena. The research is based on governmental and private archives, bibliographic and hemerographic consultations, memories and testimonies in physical and digital formats.