Rodrigo Toniol He is a doctor in social anthropology. He was a visiting researcher at the Global Health Institute of the ucsd, United States, and at CIAS in Mexico. He did postdoctoral studies at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Unicamp and president of the Association of Social Scientists of the Religion of Mercosur (2018-2020). Since 2013 he is editor of the newspaper Debates do NER. He has been editor and author for the Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions (Springer). Has published On the nature trail (N. Science Publishers, 2015) and From spirit to health (Liberar, 2018), as well as articles in Conservatives, Fascisms and Fundamentalisms (Unicamp, 2018) and EAmong the tropics: New Era studies dialogues between Mexico and Brazil (Casa Chata, 2018).