Isaac Mariscal He is a doctorate in Social Sciences from the Colegio de Jalisco with the thesis topic "The relocation of the Wixárika rituality in the Neo-Shamanic circuit." Master in Educational Research with the thesis topic: "The transmission and construction of initiatory knowledge among the Wixaritari". He lived for four years with an extended Wixaritari family in the Taimarita community in the Compostela Nayarit municipality. He currently resides in the Teopantli Kalpulli community where the Mara'akame Pablo Taizán and his family left a traditional temple (Kaliwey) for the followers of the Wixárika ritual. Every year he participates, together with his family, in the ritual agricultural cycle of the Wixaritari of the same community. He teaches classes at the high school level.