Elisenda Ardèvol Doctor in Social and Cultural Anthropology. She works as a Professor at the Open University of Catalonia. His main lines of research are: visual, digital and media anthropology, ethnography, design and creativity. His publications include Digital Materialities; Design and Anthropology (2016) with Sarah Pink and Débora Lanzeni; “Visualities and Materialities of the digital: ways to walk the difference” (2015) with Débora Lanzeni; "Digital ethnography and media practices" in Darling Wolf, Research Methods in Media Studies (2014) with Edgar Gómez-Cruz; "Digital culture and creative practices; Ethnographic temptations around Free Culture ”(2013); "Virtual / Visual Ethnography: Methodological Crossroads at the Intersection of Visual and Internet Research" in Pink, Advances in Visual Methodology (2012); “E-Research: challenges and opportunities for the social sciences” (2011) with Adolfo Estalella; "Playful practices; Theorising new media cultural production ”in Brauchler and Postill, Theorising Media and Practice (2010); “Field ethics: towards a situated ethic for internet ethnographic research” (2007) with Adolfo Estalella; The search for the Gaze, Anthropology and Ethnographic Cinema (2006); Y Representation and Audiovisual Culture in contemporary societies (2004) with Nora Muntañola.