Articles about "Synod of the Amazon"


"There is no way to carry the Church forward without counting on women." Women, Synod of the Amazon and challenges in the present of the Catholic Church

Interview with
  • Maria Clara Bingemer

  • Claudia Touris
  • Sebastian Pattin

Keywords: Catholic church, women, Synod of the Amazon.

In April 2020, shortly after a new anniversary of Jorge Mario Bergoglio's assumption of the Petrine See in March 2013, we interviewed Brazilian theologian Dr. Maria Clara Bingemer by video call with the purpose of discussing the role of the women, the Synod of the Amazon and the current challenges of the Catholic Church. Recognized for her works Theology and Literature: Afinidades e segredos compartilhados (Editora Vozes, Petrópolis, 2016), Latin American Theology: Roots and Branches (Orbis Books, New York, 2016), Mística e Testemunho em Koinonia: a Inspiração que vem do Martírio de Duas Communities do Século xx (Paulus Editora, San Pablo, 2018) and Simone Weil: Contra o colonialismo (Bazar do Tempo, Rio de Janeiro, 2019), Bingemer, a Brazilian feminist theologian, represents an intellectual effort to continue articulating the social sciences and Theology in Latin America. A graduate of Social Communication in Rio de Janeiro and a doctorate in Theology at the Gregorian University of Rome, she inherited the chair of Leonardo Boff at the Franciscan Theological Institute of Petrópolis after the ban on the renowned Brazilian theologian by John Paul II. Bingemer, specialist in Systematic Theology, works as coordinator of the Carlo Martini chair at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and advises the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil, but also as editor of the Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira, Concilium and Journal of the American Academy of Religion (2003-2008).