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Coloquios interdisciplinarios
Vol 6 No 11 (2023)
Comment on the colloquium "Essays on the abyss: politics of the gaze, violence, technopolitics" by - Rossana Reguillo
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The Spin of the Planet and the Crisis of Futures: Brief Commentary on the Text of Rossana Reguillo
- Mary Louise Pratt
The turn of the millennium inaugurated a new phase in the history of humanity. From the post-boom of the ’90s, we moved to a new global consciousness, a product of cybernetics and ecological catastrophe. Humanity faces a crisis of futurity. The work of Signa Lab reflects this global turn in both its cybernetic and environmental aspects. Over three decades, the work of its founder, Rossana Reguillo, has been marked by the same political commitment and the same urgent concern about the persistence of violence, fears, atrocity, visuality, now articulated by technopolitics.