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Articles about "mobility"
Vol 5 No 10 (2022)
Living in and Circulating in Mexico City: Social Representations of Female University Students
- Lorena Umaña Reyes
Keywords: inhabiting, mobility, women, social representations.
This article presents the results of a qualitative investigation carried out during 2016 and 2017 on 72 young, middle-class women from three public universities in Mexico City. The aim of the study was to know their practices and social representations in their experience of living and circulating in the public interconnection spaces of the city. For this, the starting point is the question of how they represent two of the physical public interconnection spaces they use: The streets they travel along to go to their universities and public transport. But also, the public spaces they travel to: Universities, museums and parks. What is their spatial experience like when moving around in the city? The results display the conditions of insecurity and violence faced by these women in their daily lives and their representations of a city that stalks and neglects them, the city that naturalizes harassment, the city that is unequal for women when it comes to their ways of transportation in, and the representation of, these spaces.
Vol 1 Issue 2 (2018)

The methodology is movement. Proposals for the study of the urban experience of transit supported by the use of the image
- Christian O. Grimaldo-Rodríguez
PI resent a methodological strategy aimed at understanding and analyzing the objectified and internalized forms of the city from the experience of transit. The tools that I share consider two fundamental expressions of experience: practical-experiential and imaginary-referential. I emphasize the key role played by the collaborative and dialogic approach supported by the use and creation of images to understand the experience of passersby. Throughout the text I show some interpretive sketches to show the analytical possibilities of the method that can be used to identify the overlaps between the city practiced, perceived and imagined by various passers-by, in this case users of public transport in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara.
Vol 1 Issue 1 (2018)

Road anthropology, a proposal for the study of mobility as a cultural field
Interview with - Paul wright
- Christian O. Grimaldo-Rodríguez
Se then presents a conversation about the role of anthropology in the study of road behavior, the relationships between material infrastructures and symbolic structures, the political expressions of urban mobility and the discussion of various ideas and positions of Dr. Pablo Wright about what he calls a "road anthropology". It delves into some details such as the symbolic rebellion of urban pedestrians, the design and implementation of mobile methodologies for research and road behaviors as a field in dispute between the State and citizens in the context of Latin America.