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Articles about "mythology"
EncArtes multimedia
Vol 4 No. 7 (2021)

Śiva: nothing of him vanishes, he only transforms. Visual anthropology of urban mythological art
- Arturo Gutierrez del Angel
- Greta alvarado lugo
Whe present essay seeks to show, through a singularity of images, how myths, in one of their many expressive ramifications, materialize in a narrative way in what we call plastic expressions of the good errant. Its minimal units operate with signifiers built on a multiplicity of objects that refer the errant to meanings linked to those beings of the universal endeavor. To demonstrate our plastic hypothesis, we will exemplify the mythological complex related to Śiva, one of the most outstanding deities of the Indian cosmogony, referring to various manifestations and presences of this god in the colorful streets of India.