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Articles about "militarization"
Coloquios interdisciplinarios
Vol 3 Num 6 (2020)
Commentary to the colloquium "The Evangelical People: Hegemonic Construction, Minority Disputes and Conservative Reaction" by - Joanildo Burity
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Comments on the text by Joanildo Burity: challenges for current times
- Patricia birman
Keywords: conservatism, gender differentiation, evangelicals, militarization, peripheries.
Whe aim of the text is to promote a dialogue with the article "The evangelical people: hegemonic construction, minority disputes and conservative reaction", by Joanildo Burity. By positively valuing the hypotheses of the article, related to the evangelical growth in Brazil, it seeks to dialogue with them from an anthropological perspective. To this end, it explores issues related to the diffusion of evangelical culture, its heterogeneity and its affinities with peripheral cultural practices. It invites the reader to consider the importance of the militarism that develops in Brazilian urban centers as partially responsible for the mediating role of evangelical churches and, consequently, as important for their hegemonic construction. It also suggests that reflecting on gender relations may contribute to a better understanding of the political forms now adopted by the populist project to build the country as an evangelical nation.
EncArtes multimedia
Vol 3 Num 6 (2020)
Travelling the spanish-moroccan border: a historical and visual tour. Field experiences in a border landscape
- María Isolda Perelló Carrascosa
Keywords: borders, irregular migration, militarization, porters, securitization.
This photographic essay intends to show some of the results of the ground research carried out within the context of a doctoral dissertation, during the months of July through September of 2014 in Ceuta, as well as Melilla and locations near the Spanish-Moroccan border. As the text shows, the maritime enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla have once had a crucial geostrategic position in the Mediterranean. Currently, its purpose as an external European border in the African continent has been reinforced with the securitization of the border region to contain the threats related to criminal activities and “undesired” trans-Mediterranean migration, although it has also ended up affecting “atypical” trade or trafficking with Morocco.
Vol 1 Issue 1 (2018)

Discrepancies around the Internal Security Law
- Alejandro Madrazo Lajous
- Julia Estela Monárrez Fragoso
- Salvador Maldonado
- moderator Manuela Camus Bergareche
In December 2006, the president of Mexico, Felipe Calderón, declared the “war against drugs” and called out the Army to confront criminal groups in the streets. This public security task does not correspond specifically to the functions of the Armed Forces and, among other consequences, has led to a disproportionate increase in homicides and disappearances in the country. Despite this, the Internal Security Law is presented, which institutionalizes this militarization process and justifies, regulates and legalizes the role of the armed forces in the fight against organized crime. There are many questions that arise in this context and we hope that the guests of this Discrepancies section will contribute to animate the debate, perhaps to clarify it.