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Articles about "qualitative research"
Vol 4 No 8 (2021)

Construction of Romantic Love, Ideals of Couples and Gender Relations from the Lyrics of Norteña Music and Banda Sinaloense
- Ana Isabel Sánchez Osuna
- César Jesús Burgos Dávila
- Mariangel Estefania Urrecha Arce
Popular music constructs cultural narratives about romantic love, makes visible meanings of being a man and a woman, and practices related to gender violence. In this article we analyze the construction of romantic love as well as couple ideals in the lyrics of Sinaloa norteña and banda music. We conducted a thematic content analysis of 29 romantic ballads. We present the results in the categories of couple search, daily coexistence, eroticism, and separation from the couple. We conclude that myths and beliefs about romantic love are disseminated in the lyrics of the songs. These meanings recreate roles and interactions established by gender mandates, and crystallize conditions of violence and inequality between men and women.