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Articles about "urban imaginary"
Vol 3 No. 5 (2020)

Bystanders Imaginaries: Outdoor Advertising and Its Relation to the Moral Geography of Guadalajara
- Christian O. Grimaldo-Rodríguez
RI reflect on the moral geography of the metropolitan area of Guadalajara based on an analysis of the advertising strategies perceived from the routes traveled on board public transport; Through participant observation exercises, urban drifts, and semi-structured interviews, I highlight the links between landscape, bodies, and morality, with their respective political correlates. As a result, I show the structuring role that these communicative strategies have in the configuration of identities and the moral territorialization of contemporary metropolises based on the differential distribution of socio-political representations based on lifestyles and consumption.
Vol 1 Issue 2 (2018)

The methodology is movement. Proposals for the study of the urban experience of transit supported by the use of the image
- Christian O. Grimaldo-Rodríguez
PI resent a methodological strategy aimed at understanding and analyzing the objectified and internalized forms of the city from the experience of transit. The tools that I share consider two fundamental expressions of experience: practical-experiential and imaginary-referential. I emphasize the key role played by the collaborative and dialogic approach supported by the use and creation of images to understand the experience of passersby. Throughout the text I show some interpretive sketches to show the analytical possibilities of the method that can be used to identify the overlaps between the city practiced, perceived and imagined by various passers-by, in this case users of public transport in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara.