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Articles about "methodological imagination"
Coloquios interdisciplinarios
Vol 6 No 11 (2023)
Comment on the colloquium "Essays on the abyss: politics of the gaze, violence, technopolitics" by - Rossana Reguillo
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The Methodological Imagination at the Edge: Notes about the Production of Knowledge
- Dorismilda Flores-Márquez
This text enters into dialogue with the article "Essays on the abyss: politics of the gaze, violence, technopolitics" by Rossana Reguillo, in which the author poses the question of methodological imagination and recounts her own work in the production of knowledge over the years. From the reading, I propose a reflection on the ways in which we do social research, in three axes: the positioning we build as researchers, the practices of social research, to finally reach the theoretical and methodological imagination.