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Articles about "common space of experience"
Realidades socioculturales
Vol 6 No 12 (2023)
Normalizing the Revolution: Teachers and Students in Guerrero’s Universidad Pueblo
- Ana Lilia Nieto
- Rafael Alarcón Medina
Keywords: common space of experience, Guerrero, Mexico, normalistas, Universidad Pueblo.
This work analyzes the political-educational project of the Universidad Pueblo in Guerrero state during the 1970s. Using the ideas of Walter Benjamin and Reinhart Koselleck, we argue that this project can be understood as a common space of experience articulated through political ideas, educational practices, and student movements in the recollections of professors and students. We suggest that the diverse layers of historical experience of teacher-training professors is a catalyst sparking off today, giving origin to one of the most contradictory and interesting practices in popular higher education in Mexico in the 20th century. This research is supported by in-depth interviews in 2018 and 2019 in Acapulco and Chilpancingo in Guerrero state.