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Articles about "catholic diversity"
Realidades socioculturales
Vol 3 No. 5 (2020)
Cuautla # 931. Different ways of being an upper-middle-class Catholic in Mexico City
- Hugo Jose Suarez
Keywords: Catholicism, Catholic diversity, religion in Mexico City, urban religiosities.
The present article exposes the religious orientations within an upper-middle-class Catholic family in the Hipódromo-Condesa neighborhood of Mexico City. As a result of ethnographic observation and in-depth interviews, the data is presented in the format of a free narrative that reveals three different orientations: conservative Catholicism, the search for new experiences within the ecclesial institution and the generational inflection influenced by the environment. Social. All revolving around a dynamic Catholic culture that interacts with the great orientations of the world Church and with the growing religious diversity in urban areas.