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Articles about "Cuba"
Realidades socioculturales
Vol 1 Issue 1 (2018)

The aesthetics of Afro-Cuban religions in the refraction of transatlantic scenarios
- Nahayeilli Juárez Huet
The present article shows the way in which the aesthetics of Afro-American religions, in particular the dance and music of Afro-Cuban Santeria, are inserted as part of a “black” gestural, musical and corporal repertoire that is constructed in transatlantic interconnections from at least the 19th century. I argue that in this sway, the scenarios of the representations of said repertoire become a platform that takes on a “refractive” character (Grau, 2005), that is, they decompose an idea of the “black” into multiple symbolic and interpretive references that they can even be opposite.