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Articles about "street vending"
EncArtes multimedia
Vol 6 No 12 (2023)

The awareness of being looked at: giving a view of the tianguis stall
- Frances Paola Garnica Quiñones
This photographic essay shows the process of giving view, a practice of presentation of the stall conformed by certain aesthetic elements that allow a crucial communication flow with other actors of the tianguis to ensure its continuity. The importance of the materiality and visuality of the stall is exposed in terms of its aesthetic production and the affectivities and values that are associated with it and that result in a visual language of the market. This essay is derived from the ethnographic work carried out between 2012 and 2013 in collaboration with Ruta 8, one of the associations of merchants enrolled in the Mercado Sobre Ruedas (msr) program, coordinated by the Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico (sedeco) of Mexico City (cdmx).