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Articles about "cultural citizenship"
Coloquios interdisciplinarios
Vol 3 Num 6 (2020)
Commentary to the colloquium "The Evangelical People: Hegemonic Construction, Minority Disputes and Conservative Reaction" by - Joanildo Burity
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Chilean Evangelicals As Cultural Citizens
- Evgenia Fediakova
Keywords: cultural citizenship, Christians without religion, critical right, evangelicals and politics.
Dince the return of democracy, the Chilean evangelical world has undergone important changes, such as the reconsideration of its relations with the military regime, an increase in socioeconomic and educational level, and the consolidation of its status as a recognized actor in the country's political-social life. These transformations determined the formation of evangelicals as a "cultural citizenship" that was clearly aware of their demands, specific rights and new political activism. At the same time, the Chilean religious field is in a permanent process of diversification, deinstitutionalization and individualization, giving rise to multiple non-traditional forms of expressing beliefs.