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Articles about "anthropology of dance"
EncArtes multimedia
Vol 4 No 8 (2021)

Images of the Conquest in Tlacoachistlahuaca, Guerrero, A Story out of Many…
- Carlo Bonfiglioli
The dance that is the subject of the images presented in this photographic essay dialogues with many stories. It all depends on where, when and for whom those stories are danced. For the missionaries of the xviiAccording to the first promoters, this dance was a means to inculcate and celebrate the arrival of the new religion. But in the first century xixWith independence and later with the victory of the Juarista army over the French, the vision of the victors changed sides and with it the dances changed as well. The rural teachers took the place of the missionaries and became protagonists of a new way of thinking and presenting the past; the first pro-indigenist variants began to occupy the stage or else they mixed or coexisted with the pro-Ispanist variants. Through the work of a certain Casimiro Jiménez, probably a native of the neighboring state of Oaxaca, one of these pro-indigenist variants began to spread in the Mixteco-Amuzgo region of the Costa Chica of Guerrero, between 1910 and 1915. My Amuzgo friends loved to reconstruct its diffusion in the region, and today this is the story they are most interested in telling. The other, the history told through dance, also makes them proud because despite the defeat, their ancestors shine for their bravery and their resistance. I hope that the connoisseur and the specialist in these subjects can appreciate in the photos that I present the echoes of these stories whose protagonists are surely much more numerous than those who appear on the screen.