Section policies


It is a section of academic essays that encourages respectful but critical debate on a specific topic called by the journal. A specialist is invited to publish an article, theoretical or methodological essay that will be central to the dossier. A number of four to six specialists from different disciplines or regional perspectives on the topic are invited to comment, discuss, debate or expand on the main author's essay. The Interdisciplinary Colloquium section proposes a new form of evaluation and adjudication, based on public (non-blind) academic discussion and debate for the main essay and double-blind refereeing for the commentary texts. The Colloquia are central dossiers and are published alternately with the Anthropological Themes.

  - Peer reviewed

  - Available at WordPress Inserts

  - Available at Open Journal Systems for Inserts

  • The central essay shall not exceed 54,000 characters with spaces and shall contain:
    1. title in Spanish and English;
    2. abstract in Spanish and English that does not exceed 800 characters with spaces;
    3. minimum of five keywords in Spanish and English;
    4. notes, citations, tables, graphs and bibliographic references that meet the requirements of the journal.
  • Comment essays shall not exceed 54,000 characters with spaces and shall contain:
    1. title in Spanish and English;
    2. notes, citations, tables, graphs and bibliographic references that meet the requirements of the journal.
  • All texts should be submitted in Times New Roman 12 point font with double spacing.
  • The submission should consist of two files with the manuscript of the text or product to be published: 1) one with author's data including: author's name, institution where he/she collaborates, brief biographical sketch (biodata of no more than 10 lines), address, telephone number, author's e-mail address and ORCID number (in case of not having it, register with the following link: In case of co-authorship, the data of all authors must be submitted; 2) another anonymous: without the name or specific reference of the author(s), and avoiding citation to or references to works of his/her authorship, so that the authors are not recognizable for double-blind review.


It is a thematic section coordinated by an academic responsible and will be published alternating with the Interdisciplinary Colloquiums. It will consist of between four and six articles at the most, written by specialists in the particular topic of the issue. All papers will be double-blind refereed.

  - Peer reviewed

  - Available at WordPress Inserts

  - Available at Open Journal Systems for Inserts

  • All articles in this section must have:
    1. Title in Spanish and English;
    2. An abstract not exceeding 800 characters with spaces, describing the main proposal, the research methodology used and the main arguments of the article;
    3. Keywords in Spanish and English (minimum five);
    4. Notes, citations, tables, graphs and bibliographic references that meet the requirements of the journal.
  • Articles should not exceed 54,000 characters with spaces and should be submitted in Times New Roman 12 point font with double spacing.
  • The submission should consist of two files of the text or product to be published: 1) one with the author's data including: the author's name, the institution in which he/she collaborates, brief biographical sketch (biodata of no more than 10 lines), address, telephone number, e-mail address of the author and ORCID number (in case of not having it, register with the following link: In case of co-authorship, the data of all authors must be submitted; 2) another anonymous: without the name or specific reference of the author(s), and avoiding citation to or references to works of his/her authorship, so that the authors are not recognizable for double-blind review.


It is a section that includes original articles without being associated with a central theme. Its content is miscellaneous and independent from the thematic proposals and the colloquia. All works will be refereed in double blind.

  - Peer reviewed

  - Available at WordPress Inserts

  - Available at Open Journal Systems for Inserts

  • The articles in this section must contain:
    1. Title in Spanish and English;
    2. Abstract in English and Spanish, not to exceed 800 characters with spaces, describing the main proposal, the research methodology used and the main arguments of the article;
    3. Keywords in Spanish and English (minimum five);
    4. Notes, citations, tables, graphs and bibliographic references that meet the requirements of the journal.
  • Articles should not exceed 54,000 characters with spaces and should be submitted in Times New Roman 12 point font with double spacing.
  • The submission should consist of two files of the text or product to be published: 1) one with the author's data including: the author's name, the institution in which he/she collaborates, brief biographical sketch (biodata of no more than 10 lines), address, telephone number, e-mail address of the author and ORCID number (in case of not having it, register with the following link: In case of co-authorship, the data of all authors must be submitted; 2) another anonymous: without the name or specific reference of the author(s), and avoiding citation to or references to works of his/her authorship, so that the authors are not recognizable for double-blind review.


This section calls for the publication of different research products in sociocultural sciences in multimedia formats. The following are accepted: documentaries in audiovisual format, photographic essays, podcasts of research results, audiovisual records of performances and maps or interactive digital timelines. Entries must consist of two parts: a manuscript that contextualizes the product in an academic research project and the edited multimedia production.

All multimedia products accepted for publication will require a signed letter of assignment of rights for the document to be published by the journal's own media (website, flickr, Youtube, etc.).

All papers received will be double-blind refereed. Therefore, materials will be sent in two versions, one with full credits (for future publication), and the other without the name or specific reference of the author(s). The material will be reviewed by the Editorial Coordination Team who will verify that it complies with the requirements.


Every multimedia product in this section will be accompanied by a manuscript where the contextualization of the research in which it was carried out is developed, describing its formal aspects: title, abstract, key words, objectives, justification, theoretical development, methodology, and a description of its realization and analysis.

The length of the manuscript should be between 20,000 and 25,000 characters with space (Times New Roman 12 with double spacing). This text must comply with the requirements of the journal in terms of notes, citations, tables, graphs and bibliographical references.

In the case of documentaries, podcasts and audiovisual records of performances, the manuscript must also include a technical file with:

The names of the directors and the main production team, the years of production, the format and duration of the material.

The link where the video film, photo essay or audio is hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive, or other online storage service that allows access to the Editorial Coordination Team.

Multimedia product types

Documentaries and audiovisual records of performances

Documentaries should be sent edited in audiovisual format. They can be historical, thematic or ethnographic. They should have a maximum duration of 40 minutes and be in the following formats: MPEG2 or 4, AVI, MOV or MP4. The resolution must be at least 1280 x 720. Must be hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive, or other online storage service that allows access to the Editorial Coordination Team.

Photo essays

Photo essays should be between 20 and 50 photographs with a resolution of 300 dpi. They will be delivered as slides with title and credits (download slide template here). Each photograph or series of photographs should be accompanied by a technical sheet that includes: author, place, date, situation and actors. The captions may include captions, excerpts from the field diary, quotes from interviews, or any other text that complements the cultural sense or provides information about what the photographs show.


Podcasting is currently the most popular sound production on digital platforms and offers an excellent way to audio-record research results in an easy and enjoyable way, without losing scientific rigor. It allows inserting an introduction with the objectives and methodology used and even the dialogue with theoretical proposals with the author's voice, adding to it a selection of interviews with the oral field material that was recorded or creating sound environments with recordings that allow contextualizing narrated descriptions. Finally, as with any article, it can be interspersed with interpretation and academic analysis and even insert a conclusion with the voice of the researcher. The academic podcast format will make it possible to recover and transmit the orality of the research. Episodes of about half an hour or shorter audio series with chapters around a theme will be accepted. The audio file must be of audio quality and hosted on Google Drive or other online storage service that allows access to the Editorial Coordination Team.

  • All audiovisual documentary, photographic gallery or audio testimony, interactive map, etc., of this section will be accompanied by a text of research contextualization(in the form of a research protocol) of 20,000 to 25,000 characters with space (Times New Roman 12 point, double spaced). This text must comply with the requirements of the journal in terms of notes, citations, tables, graphs and bibliographical references.
  • The submission should include two files of the manuscript or product to be published: 1) one with author's data including: author's name, institution in which he/she collaborates, brief biographical sketch (biodata of no more than 10 lines), address, telephone number, author's e-mail address and ORCID number (in case of not having it, register with the following link: In case of co-authorship, the data of all authors must be submitted; 2) another anonymous: without the name or specific reference of the author(s), and avoiding citation to or references to works of his/her authorship, so that the authors are not recognizable for double-blind review.
  • In all cases in which audiovisual or graphic materials are positively refereed, the signature of a letter of transfer of rightsfor the document to be published by the magazine's own media (website, flickr, vimeo, etc.).
  • Materials will be sent in two versions, one with full credits (for future publication), and the other without the name or specific reference of the author(s). The material will be delivered to the section editor who will verify that it complies with the requirements. It will then be sent to the Editorial Coordination Team.
  • The visual ethnographies / multimedia reportsThey must have a maximum duration of 30 minutes and be in the following formats: .MPEG2 or 4, .AVI, .MOV or .MP4. The resolution must be 1280 x 720, minimum. Its contextualization must have:
    1. The data sheet The complete video, including the names of the directors and the main production team, the years of production, the format and the length of the material. The technical file will not be included in the word count;
    2. The videofilm link on Youtube or Vimeo.
  • The photo essaysThey must have between 20 and 50 photographs with a resolution of 300 dpi accompanied by technical sheets (author, place, date, situation and actors). The respective captions must include the titles of the photos and excerpts from the field diary, quotes from interviews, or any other text that can direct the reading of the image in the sense in which the author wants to lead it.
  • The audiovisual performance records, regardless of its duration, they must include in their contextualization:
    1. The data sheet The complete video, including the names of the directors and the main production team, the years of production, the format and the length of the material. The technical file will not be included in the word count;
    2. The link to viodeofilm on Youtube or Vimeo.
  • The life stories, poetry and oral archivesshould include in their contextualization a data sheet indicating the title of the work, author's name, place and time of registration. The technical file will not be included in the character count.


This section consists of interviews with researchers and social actors who, in the opinion of the Editorial Coordination Team, are of interest to the academic community. The publication of this section will be occasional. The length of the written interviews should be a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 10. If they are on video, their duration will be 20 to 30 minutes. Every interview must be accompanied by a text that presents the academic or social trajectory for which the interviewee is relevant for the study or understanding of a specific topic. In the case of multimedia interviews, the technical file of the shipment will be included.

  • Available at WordPress Inserts
  • The submission should consist of two files of the text or product to be published: 1) one with the author's data including: the author's name, the institution in which he/she collaborates, brief biographical sketch (biodata of no more than 10 lines), address, telephone number, e-mail address of the author and ORCID number (in case of not having it, register with the following link: In case of co-authorship, the data of all authors must be submitted; 2) another anonymous: without the name or specific reference of the author(s), and avoiding citation to or references to works of his/her authorship, so that the authors are not recognizable for double-blind review.


In this section of occasional publication, the Editorial Coordination Team will propose a topic of current debate and public interest around which leading academics specialized in the subject will be invited to answer a series of questions that will allow them to address their position on current situations and realities that are central to the reflections, debates and positions taken by anthropologists and social scientists. This section will consist of:

  • An introduction to the topic written by a member of the Team or by an invited researcher;
  • Questions to call for discussion;
  • The answers of the invited academics in a short space - approximately half a page for each one of them.
  • Eventually, responses or comments that readers contribute to the debate
  • Available at WordPress Inserts
  • The submission should consist of two files of the text or product to be published: 1) one with the author's data including: the author's name, the institution in which he/she collaborates, brief biographical sketch (biodata of no more than 10 lines), address, telephone number, e-mail address of the author and ORCID number (in case of not having it, register with the following link: In case of co-authorship, the data of all authors must be submitted; 2) another anonymous: without the name or specific reference of the author(s), and avoiding citation to or references to works of his/her authorship, so that the authors are not recognizable for double-blind review.


This section includes short and critical essays of interest to the social sciences and includes reviews of complete works of an author or a current relevant to the journal, as well as reviews of books, articles, ethnographic videos, anthropological films, art exhibitions, graduate theses and performance. Reviews of books published more than two years ago will not be accepted.

  • Reviews should include the complete bibliographic record and the cover image of the publication reviewed in JPG or TIFF format, in a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
  • Articles should not exceed 20,000 characters with spaces and should be in Times New Roman 12 points with double spacing.
  • Available at WordPress Inserts
  • The submission should consist of two files of the text or product to be published: 1) one with the author's data including: the author's name, the institution in which he/she collaborates, brief biographical sketch (biodata of no more than 10 lines), address, telephone number, e-mail address of the author and ORCID number (in case of not having it, register with the following link: In case of co-authorship, the data of all authors must be submitted; 2) another anonymous: without the name or specific reference of the author(s), and avoiding citation to or references to works of his/her authorship, so that the authors are not recognizable for double-blind review.