Carolina Robledo Silvestre Carolina Robledo Silvestre is a Conacyt Professor attached to the Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS), Mexico City. He specializes in socio-anthropological studies on justice, violence and politicization of survivors of serious human rights violations in unconventional conflict contexts. She is the author of the book Social and Political Drama of Mourning: The Disappearances of Tijuana's Drug War, published by El Colegio de México in 2017, and numerous articles in English and Spanish about forced disappearance, access to justice and clandestine burials. He currently coordinates the Research Group in Social and Forensic Anthropology (GIASF) and leads the CIESAS institutional project "Formation of a laboratory of legal and forensic anthropology," whose objective is to promote a space for the exchange of knowledge regarding legal strategies. and policies of social movements in defense of individual and collective rights.