Alina Peña Iguarán She holds a B.A. in Literature from the Universidad de las Américas-Puebla where she graduated with honors. D. in Hispanic Studies from Boston University. Her doctoral thesis project focused on the relationship between writing, autobiography and war in the sociocultural construction of the intellectual in modern Mexico. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship in art and border and neoliberalism, "Poetics of surplus" in the Department of Cultural Studies at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores de Conacyt, level 1. She participates in the Red de Estudios de Biopolítica y Necropolítica en América Latina. Since 2015 she collaborates with the Institute for Performance and Politics at New York University. She currently collaborates in the project "Hemispheric Encounters: Developing Transborder Research-Creation Practice" in the research group "Mobilities as Method". Her research topics are: communication, aesthetics and politics; memory and subjectivity in contexts of violence, border and disappearance. ORCID: