Alejandra Navarro Doctor in Social Anthropology from the University of Manchester, her research topics are socio-economic processes, the environment, political and legal anthropology, visual ethnography, socio-environmental conflicts, rights and representation of indigenous peoples and communities and contemporary political identities. Among his featured publications are: Racism, Exclusion, Xenophobia and Cultural Diversity on the United States-Mexico Border (Alejandra Navarro and Carlos Vélez-Ibañez, 2010); Looking at the sun. Towards a configuration of the Mexican-US migration phenomenon (2001); "Collective rights and prior consultation: Cucapá territory and fishing resources in Baja California" in Colombian Journal of Sociology (Navarro Smith, A., Bravo Espinosa, Y and López-Sagástegui, 2014); “Recognition of differentiated rights in the central Mexican legal culture. Notes from the cucapá case ”in Field diary (2014); "Fishing legislation and obstacles to the recognition of rights to the preferential use of natural resources of the Cucapá people" in Journal of Studies and Research on the Americas (Navarro, Alejandra., Yacotzin Bravo and Catalina López-Sagástegui, 2013); "Contemporary cucapá fishermen: research and collaborative video in a conflict scenario" in Anthropological Horizons (2013); "Representation and visual anthropology: videos and construction of meanings about the cucapá" in Chilean Journal of Visual Anthropology (2012); "Conflict and distance: critical notes of readings and anthropological work" in Latin American Research review, Journal of the Latin American Studies Association (2012); “Sailing against the current. The cucapás and environmental legislation ”in Cultural (Navarro Smith, Alejandra; Alberto Tapia and Everardo Garduño, 2010).