Jesús Martín Barbero He studied Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy in Louvain, Belgium. Doctor in Anthropology and Semiotics at the School of Higher Studies in Paris. Director of the Communication Department of the Universidad del Valle in Cali (Colombia), where he remained between 1975 and 1995. Between 1999 and 2003 he taught at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, in Guadalajara, Mexico. He has been a visiting professor at the Complutense Universities of Madrid, Autónoma de Barcelona, Stanford, Libre de Berlin, King's College of London, Puerto Rico, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Lima, among others. In 2003 he obtained Colombian nationality. Doctor Honoris Causa by the National University of Rosario (Argentina) and by the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá (Colombia). He has been president of ALAIC (Latin American Association of Communication Researchers), member of the Advisory Committee of FELAFACS (Latin American Federation of Faculties of Social Communication). He is a member of the Scientific Committee of Infoamérica. He has published the following books: Mass communication: speech and power (1978); Educational communication and audiovisual didactics (1979); Introduction to content analysis (1981); From media to mediations (1987); Communication and popular cultures in Latin America (1987); Communication processes and culture matrices (1989); Television and melodrama (1992); Communication, Culture and Hegemony (1993); "Urban dynamics of culture" in Communication and cultural spaces in Latin America (1994); Pre-texts: conversations about communication and its contexts (1995); Project communication (1997, with A. Silva); Night maps (1998); Media, Culture and Society (1998, with Fabio López); The exercises of ver. Audiovisual hegemony and television fiction (2000, with Germán Rey).

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