Geoffrey Pleyers is a researcher at the FNRS and professor of sociology at the Catholic University of Louvain, where he directs the research group SMAG - Social Movements in the Global Era and the interdisciplinary research group on Latin America (GRIAL). He is vice-president for research of the International Sociological Association. His main publications include the books Alter-Globalization. Becoming Actors in the Global Age (Cambridge, Polity Press, 2011) and Movimientos sociales en el siglo XXI (Buenos Aires, CLACSO, 2018) and articles such as "A guerra dos deuses no Brasil. Da teologia da libertação à eleição de Bolsonaro" (Educação & Sociedade, 2020) and "The pandemic is a battlefield. Social movements during the covid-19 lockdown" (Journal of Civil Society, 2020). He has coordinated fifteen books or journal issues, including, with Breno Bringel, Alerta Global. Politics and movements in the face of the pandemic (CLACSO, 2020).