Agustín Escobar Latapí Doctor en Sociología por la Universidad de Manchester, Inglaterra, actualmente es profesor-investigador en el Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS), entre sus temas de investigación se encuentra la movilidad social, estudios laborales y mercado de trabajo, inequidad y desigualdad en contextos urbanos y género y masculinidades. Publicaciones destacadas: Where is science going in Mexico? (2014); Strategic evaluation of social protection in Mexico (et. al. 2013); Access to information, services and support in priority attention areas (coordinator with Mercedes de la Rocha 2012); Poverty, conditional transfers and society (coordinator with Mercedes de la Rocha 2012); "Migration, labor markets and international economy: Jalisco and the United States" in Multiple visions. Western Mexico from anthropology and history (With Mercedes González de la Rocha and Bryan Roberts 2013); "The close and distant relationship between anthropology and sociology" in Concurrent looks. Anthropology in interdisciplinary dialogue (with Mercedes González de la Rocha and Bryan Roberts 2013); "Poverty, conditional transfers and society" in Introduction. Poverty, conditional transfers and society (with Mercedes González 2012); "Mexican Social Policy and Return Migrants" in Strategic analysis for development. Decent employment, income distribution and well-being (2012).

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