Miriam Bautista Arias D. in Social Sciences in the area of Communication and Politics from the University of California, Berkeley. uam-Xochimilco, where she also studied a master's degree in Communication and Politics; she has a degree in Communication Sciences from the Salesian University. Her research interests are in the field of violence and citizenship with particular emphasis on the emergence of subjectivities and tactics of resistance. She has been a professor in the area of undergraduate and graduate communication at different public and private universities and a research assistant in the graduate program in Communication and Politics at the University of Buenos Aires. uam-Xochimilco. She has also worked as associate co-editor of the news agency of the Reforma newspaper and as a free-lance reporter for specialized magazines. She is the author of the book El murmullo social de la violencia en México. La experiencia de los sujetos afectados por la guerra contra el narcotráfico (The social murmur of violence in Mexico. uam-Xochimilco in co-publication with the cesop of the Chamber of Deputies in January 2017.