Latin American evangelical politics can be seen, in Laclauian terms, as a construction of the people. More precisely, as the construction of the evangelical people, a minority with demands and a voice of its own in a “Catholic” continent of secular states. It is an evangelical construction of a country’s people in contexts in which evangelicals are considered a sociopolitical force with hegemonic aspirations. However, this double narrative has become complicated in recent years in the rough seas of the so-called conservative wave. A prominent alliance between the political far-right, neoliberalism and the parliamentary and pastoral evangelical elite reverberates from Brazil, which creates serious issues for the expectations of a pluralist impact of the public evangelical presence.
Vol 3, No. 6 (2020)
Coloquio interdisciplinario

Realidades socioculturales
Encartes multimedia

Reseñas críticas

Arthur Temporal Ventura
Maria Palomar
Cecilia Palomar
Design and layout
Veronica Segovia