Checklist for shipment preparation

All shipments must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission must be unpublished, not have been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal. In the latter case, an explanation will be provided in the Comments to the editor.
  • The file must be in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • The magazine will only publish texts and products in Spanish.
  • All articles should include a title in Spanish and English, notes, quotations, tables, graphs, bibliographical references. Depending on the section, the article must also be accompanied by an abstract and keywords (minimum five) in Spanish and English.
  • The text must have double spacing and be in Times New Roman 12 points. Italics will be used instead of underlining (except in URL addresses. Notes will appear at the bottom of the page and not at the end.
  • The text will be presented according to the length, stylistic and bibliographic requirements of the section to which it is sent.
  • Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The citations in the text should be of the form (Sámano, 1982: 181).
  • It will be the author's responsibility to ensure the completeness of the bibliographical references (year, city and publisher of the publication), which must be presented in alphabetical order, otherwise the article will be rejected.
  • If the article includes illustrations, figures, tables, tables and graphs, the author must indicate the precise place where they should appear on the page as follows: (enter table 1 or graph X). The original file of the graphs will be sent in Excel to be able to manipulate them in the edition.
  • If the author wishes to accompany his text with photographs, maps, plans, figures or plates, he must ensure that he has the authorization of the creator for the use of his work. The files must be sent in .jpg or .tiff format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and must be accompanied by the title and source at the foot of the photo (author, place, date).
  • All audiovisual products will be sent in .MPEG2 or 4, .AVI, .MOV or .MP4 formats and must have a resolution of 1280 x 720. The audiovisual product or accepted text will be ideally published by the journal's own media (website , flickr, vimeo, etc.).
  • In case the product is positively evaluated in the review, the journal will provide a letter of assignment of rights to be signed by the author(s). In case of co-authorship, all authors must sign the document.
  • Bibliographic references will use APA style and will have the complete information in alphabetical order as follows: Chodrow, Nancy (1984). El ejercicio de la maternidad. Barcelona: Gedisa. Hall, Stuart (1990). "Culture Identity and Diaspora," in Jonathan Rutherford, Identity, Community, Cultural, Difference. London: Lawrence & Wishart, pp. 222-237. Wade, Peter (2014). "Race, science, society," in Interdiscipline, vol. 2, no. 4, pp.35-62.

The submission should consist of two files of the text or product to be published: 1) one with the author's data including: the author's name, the institution in which he/she collaborates, brief biographical sketch (biodata of no more than 10 lines), address, telephone number, e-mail address of the author and ORCID number (in case of not having it, register with the following link: In case of co-authorship, the data of all authors must be submitted; 2) another anonymous: without the name or specific reference of the author(s), and avoiding citation to or references to works of his/her authorship, so that the authors are not recognizable for double-blind review.