
Encartes is hosted in these indexes and repositories:

CLASE is a bibliographic database created in 1975 at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). The database is updated daily and more than 10,000 records are added each year.
It offers around 350 thousand bibliographic records of articles, essays, book reviews, bibliographic reviews, short notes, editorials, biographies, interviews, statistics and other documents published in about 1,500 journals in Latin America and the Caribbean, specialized in social sciences. and humanities.

The magazines included in CLASS comply with Selection criteria and they are analyzed by a multidisciplinary team.

Latindex is the product of the cooperation of a network of institutions that work in a coordinated manner to gather and disseminate information on scientific serials produced in Latin America. The idea of creating Latindex emerged in 1995 at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and became a regional cooperation network as of 1997.

It includes scientific, technical-professional and scientific and cultural research journals that are published in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal. In addition, it offers information on magazines with Ibero-American content published anywhere in the world. Journals can be printed or electronic, from all scientific disciplines.

Latindex has two main information services: 1. DIRECTORY, which offers bibliographic and contact data of all registered journals and 2. CATALOG, composed of journals with the highest quality standards in accordance with the methodology from Latindex.

Additionally, the website provides specific information about the journals available online, whether they are registered in the Directory or rated in the Catalog. In the section "Products" More information on these resources and how to consult them is provided.

Latindex also offers access to the full text of a selection of Ibero-American journals available on the most important portals in the region, through the "Portal de Portales Latindex".

The DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high-quality, open-access, and peer-reviewed academic journals. DOAJ is independent. All financing is done through donations, the 40% of which come from sponsors and the 60% from publishers and members. All DOAJ services are free, including indexing in the DOAJ. All lThe data is available for free.

DOAJ has a worldwide education program that focuses on improving the quality of applications submitted.

index of journals in consolidation ameliCA

AmeliCA is a communication infrastructure for scholarly publishing and open science. It is a cooperatively sustained initiative focused on the non-profit publishing model to preserve the academic and open nature of scientific communication.

AmeliCA emerged as Open Knowledge for Latin America and the Global South, however, in August 2019 and in a regional context in which platforms, national science councils, academic institutions and part of the academic community devalue local publication by aligning with the strategies of commercial publishers; and in an international context where initiatives such as Plan S define open science as a pathway, AmeliCA and Redalyc join forces to strengthen the non-profit publishing model to preserve the academic and open nature of scientific communication (also known as the diamond model ), beyond the Global South. This effort, born in the South and for the South, is open to all the magazines in the world that work for an inclusive, equitable and sustainable science communication ecosystem.

La Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal (Redalyc) es un proyecto académico para la difusión en acceso abierto de la actividad científica editorial de todo el mundo, bajo un modelo liderado por la academia y no lucrativo. Redalyc se ha constituido en un sistema de indización, visibilidad, interoperabilidad, producción editorial y preservación. Asimismo, se ha constituido en un sistema de información científica que proporciona indicadores en torno a la publicación, la colaboración y el uso de literatura científica. Redalyc es impulsado por la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, en colaboración con cientos de instituciones de educación superior, centros de investigación, asociaciones profesionales y editoriales de todo el mundo y cuenta (marzo de 2019) con un acervo de 1304 revistas científicas, 48 512 fascículos y más de 600 000 artículos científicos disponibles a texto completo.

Biblat es un portal de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) especializado en revistas científicas y académicas publicadas en América Latina y el Caribe , que ofrece los siguientes referencias bibliográficas de los artículos y documentos publicados en más de 3,000 títulos.

SciELO México es una biblioteca digital y hemeroteca virtual que desde 2004 ofrece acceso abierto a revistas científicas mexicanas de todas las áreas del conocimiento. Es desarrollada por la DGBSDI de la UNAM y forma parte de la red regional SciELO presente en 17 países. Las publicaciones siguen el SciELO Publishing Schema en formato XML. Para ingresar, las revistas deben cumplir criterios específicos consultables en Criterios SciELO México. El sistema es gestionado por la UNAM, promoviendo la visibilidad de la literatura científica latinoamericana.