Photo Contest: COVID-19 under the Lens

TO Since the decree of sanitary measures of social distancing for the control of the COVID-19 pandemic at world level, activities, behaviors, rituals and everyday life in its different dimensions have been modified. These changes and adaptations in the ways of socialization and being in the world are now part of what in many places has been called a new normality.
The multimedia digital magazine Encartes invites the general public to send photographs that have been captured during the months of February to July 2020 and that constitute visual records of daily life and its adaptations during the critical period of the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus. With this call we seek to report on practices, behaviors, care measures, routines, and in general the changes that occurred in different parts of the world in this context.
The selection of the best photographs will be part of the gallery that will accompany the virtual version of issue 6, volume 3 of the magazine. Encartes to be published in September 2020.
Characteristics for shipments:
Photographs must be self-taken
Have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
Include a maximum of two lines of context.
Place where the photograph was taken
Author's full name
Contact information
Photos and additional data will be sent to the mail: encartesantropologicos@ciesas.
The deadline for submission is August 21, 2020 and selected entries will be announced on August 29, 2020.
We count on your participation!