"Altars tacheros": random mini-ethnographies of everyday (religious) life.

Alejandro Frigerio

Alejandro Frigerio D. in Anthropology from the University of California at Los Angeles. He previously received a B.A. in Sociology from the Universidad Católica Argentina (1980). He is currently a Senior Researcher at the conicet (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) based at the Instituto de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales of the Universidad Católica Argentina and as a professor in the Master's program in Social and Political Anthropology of the Universidad Católica Argentina. flaccid. Coordinates the network diverse (Religious Diversity in Argentina). He was president of the Association of Social Scientists of Religions in Mercosur and organizer of the first three Conferences on Religious Alternatives in Latin America. He was Paul Hanly Furfey Lecturer of the Association for the Sociology of Religion (USA).

orcid: 0000-0003-0917-3103

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Alejandro FrigerioBuenos Aires. February 25, 2015 (left) and July 20, 2017 (right).

Red ribbons and rosaries.

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. April 9, 2019.

Medal of Our Lady (of the Miraculous Medal), rosary, red Neapolitan horns and Turkish amulet against the evil eye.

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. March 23, 2016.

Pope Francis' calendar on the sun visor; a red and a purple ribbon, a rosary, a Neapolitan horn and a "Protect my Car" ribbon of Our Lady hang from the mirror.

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. November 16, 2018 (left) and February 5, 2013 (right).

On the left: little horns, red ribbon of Our Lady of Lujan, rosary, two unidentified medals. On the right: ribbon of St. George "Protect my way".

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. April 23, 2014.

Protect my car" ribbons. Stall on the sidewalk of St. George's Church, on the feast of St. George.

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Alejandro FrigerioBuenos Aires. April 23, 2009.

Pendants of fengshui with Catholic saints and red ribbons. Stall on the sidewalk of the church of St. George, on his feast day.

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Alejandro FrigerioBuenos Aires. June 3, 2013.

Magnet of Our Lady of Schoenstatt, patroness of cab drivers, holy card of Our Lady of the Rosary and a crucifix.

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. December 10, 2015.

San Expedito feng-shui.

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. August 7, 2017.

Pendants feng-shui in a stall on the sidewalk of the church of San Cayetano, on the feast day of that saint.

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Alejandro FrigerioBuenos Aires. April 8, 2013.

Virgin of Huachana and Lord (Christ) of Mailín.

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. March 27, 2017.

On the mirror: ribbon and holy card of the Gauchito Gil, two unidentified medals, rosary, magnet that says "bon voyage" with two religious figures and photo of the son (upper left corner). In the center: teddy bear of River Plate and below it two holy cards (San Expedito, which is reflected in the glass and an unidentified saint). Outside the image there were also four other holy cards (shown in figure 16) and a pendant. feng-shui with an unidentified saint.

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. October 25, 2018.

Hanging in the mirror: Gauchito Gil feng-shuiThere is also a ribbon of the Virgin of Luján with River Plate's coat of arms and, on the back side, a ribbon of San La Muerte (photo below). There are holy cards in at least three places in the car: San Cayetano and San Expedito (left door), Sacred Heart of Jesus and Virgin of Peace of Medjugorje on the speedometer, Virgin of Luján and Virgin Desatanudos on the air conditioner.

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. February 27, 2018.

St. Cajetan stamp on the sun visor. Hanging from the mirror: red ribbon "Bless my car", medal of the Yin YangCura Brochero medal on the back (not very visible in the photo) and medal of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.

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Alejandro FrigerioBuenos Aires. February 23, 2015.

Tape "Recuerdo de Luján" with the Virgin of Luján and Gauchito Gil

Picture 15

Alejandro FrigerioBuenos Aires. March 21, 2020.

Stampitas of Jesus and San Cayetano; two rosaries and one San Expedito feng-shui hang from the mirror. At left, the poster for the miniseries with actor Robert Powell starring as Jesus.

Picture 16

Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. June 2, 2014.

St. Expeditus notebook, holy cards of Jesus (Robert Powell) and Pope Francis and giant die.

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. March 27, 2017.

Stamps of Jesus (inspired by actor Robert Powell), Pope Francis, St. Expeditus and St. George hooked above the door.

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. October 23, 2015.

Notebook of San Expedito, holy cards of Jesus, Pope Francis and Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

Picture 19

Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. September 29, 2015.

Framing the window, Pope Francis between eight holy cards of saints and virgins. Above the mirror, holy cards of Pope Francis, Our Lady of Lujan and St. Cajetan. Outside the photo, hanging from the mirror, a pendant of St. Expeditus. feng-shui

Picture 20

Alejandro FrigerioBuenos Aires. March 11, 2015.

Stampitas of St. Expedito, St. Cajetan, Pope Francis, Virgin and three children. In the mirror, pendant feng-shui of the Virgin of Luján. To the side, on the door, stamp of the Gauchito Gil (out of the photo).

Picture 21

Alejandro FrigerioBuenos Aires. November 5, 2011.

Pendants feng-shui of the Virgin of Luján and San Cayetano. Chuspa (little bag) with bills (probably from Alasitas?) and a little angel hanging from the ceiling. Strollers, images of the children among Catholic holy cards (and one of the Gauchito Gil).

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. July 11, 2017.

Stamps of Our Lady of Peace from Medjugorje and St. Cajetan intermingled with photos of children.

Picture 23

Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. December 29, 2018.

Photos of children, holy cards reflected in the glass and stuffed animals. Hanging from the mirror: red ribbon "Recuerdo del Gauchito", rosaries and unidentified medals.

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Alejandro FrigerioBuenos Aires. November 28, 2014.

Christ of the Miracles of Lima and the Lord of Canchapilca

Picture 25

Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. June 8, 2014.

Lord of Luren with "chauffeur's prayer".

Picture 26

Alejandro FrigerioBuenos Aires. August 18, 2013.

Peruvian pendant of the Virgin of the Gate, rosary and photo of the image enthroned in the Cathedral of La Plata, Argentina.

Picture 27

Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. March 25, 2015.

Catholic symbols and Alasitas elephant in sight.

Picture 28

Alejandro FrigerioBuenos Aires. July 19, 2013.

Dreamcatcher, St. Expeditus Ribbon and Turkish eye against the evil eye.

Picture 29

Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. October 26, 2015.

Hanging from the mirror, a Turkish eye against the evil eye. On the left, a pendant with a symbol of the feng-shui. On the right, peeking through the sun visor, a holy card of the Virgin of Luján. Hanging from the edge of the left sun visor, a pendant. feng-shui with Chinese coins.

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. October 19, 2015.

Red ribbon and hexagram.

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. September 20, 2014.

Unidentified medal and symbol of the Yin Yang.

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. August 13, 2017.

Red Ribbon and Buddha of Abundance feng-shui.

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. October 8, 2014.

Two pendants feng-shui of animals, Ganesh in bronze image and tattooed on the driver's arm.

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Alejandro FrigerioBuenos Aires. February 27, 2014.

Chinese goddess Kuan Yin pendant with unidentified symbol.

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Alejandro FrigerioBuenos Aires. May 28, 2014.

Turkish eye (Nazar) with evil eye and red ribbon.

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Alejandro FrigerioBuenos Aires. August 27, 2013.

Posters referring to Jesus and notebook with names of those who prayed with the driver, or for whom they are going to pray in the church. Outside the photo, a banner that says "my help comes from Jesus".

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. May 25, 2018.

Cross hanging from mirror, video of two evangelical pastors (probably Peruvian) on cell phone.

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. November 19, 2019.

Rosary, St. George holy card and ribbons with Ogun colors.

image 39

Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. February 25, 2015.

Ribbon with image of St. George and Ogun colors "give us your protection".

image 40

Alejandro FrigerioBuenos Aires. April 29, 2013.

Ogun/St. George necklace hanging from the board, rosaries and ribbons of St. Expeditus hanging from the mirror, pendants feng-shui of the same saint hooked to one end of the right sun visor.

image 41

Alejandro FrigerioBuenos Aires. March 11, 2014.

Two rosaries, medal and necklace (Ogun's guide).

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Alejandro FrigerioBuenos Aires. November 1, 2011.

Pendant of San La Muerte, necklaces of Exú (left). Stamps of Exú, Pomba Gira, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Oiá and Ogún (right).

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. December 22, 2016.

Stamps of the Virgin, Juan Diego, San Jorge, San Cayetano, Virgen del Rosario, Virgen de Luján, San Cristóbal and Virgen de Salta.

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Alejandro Frigerio, Buenos Aires. July 17, 2015.

Stamp of Pope Francis.

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Alejandro FrigerioBuenos Aires. August 15, 2013.

San Expedito in pendant version feng-shuiThe other two are: a holy card of Pope Francis and St. Mark of Leon. Outside the photo, others of St. George, St. Mark and a Virgin.

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