Lto call covid-19 under the lens offers unpublished situations that were captured by photographs taken during the pandemic caused by the covid-19 (from March to August 2020). The editorial team of Encartes wanted to leave a visual memory of the havoc, movements and innovations that it brought in its wake and launched an open photography contest. The selected photos show us new situations generated by confinement, such as the faces of two elderly women who look at the street from their windows, or the Parisians coming out to the balconies to applaud the heroes of health, or the office worker who converts his bed on desk.

The fear of contagion instituted the use of antibacterial gel as a human exchange currency, instituted the mask not only as a sanitary garment, but even as gadget trendy, or turned into a humorous mask, as seen in the Joker's enigmatic smile. It was even installed as a new intimate garment that is washed and ironed daily like the others.

The pandemic brought in its wake new landscapes of desolation even in the squares and in the centers of the cities with the greatest human concentration. He imposed relationships with "healthy distance" to such a degree that it disrupted face-to-face interactions, virtualizing not only work but also intimate relationships and birthday parties, or turning the celebration of the mother into a procession of cars. It was also imposed in the closure of the temples, although the faithful continued to seek the blessing of the Virgin behind the bars. The healthy distance affected the way of living and experiencing everyday space and time, causing long lines to do the supermarket, or introducing new journalistic distances to interview the pressing official health sources. The covid-19 will not be forgotten, the photographs also show the popular creativity capable of converting the threatening virus into a harmless and colorful piñata that can be beaten to pieces at a children's party.